00:02:15 isnt there something this sat? 00:03:05 in #monero-events for defcon 00:12:47 It would be great if we had a maven who kept track of events and submitted them to the website for us! 01:07:59 Does anyone know of a good intro to Monero for political-ish non-profits who already accept crypto like bitcoin, but may not understand that they’re doxxing their supporters with every donation? 01:08:47 I was going to just reach out, but figured I’d see if there’s any good material that exists already 02:16:28 No but I imagine something like this would be useful once it has been completed https://github.com/monero-outreach/policy-brief 15:42:33 Some nice discussion of Monero in here 👀: https://cryptoforinnovation.org/resources/Analysis_of_Bitcoin_in_Illicit_Finance.pdf 15:43:20 Article referenced in this Forbes article that dropped today: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/13/janet-yellen-bitcoin-and-crypto-fearmongers-get-pushback-from-former-cia-director/ 15:45:10 * Article was referenced in this Forbes article that dropped today: https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenehrlich/2021/04/13/janet-yellen-bitcoin-and-crypto-fearmongers-get-pushback-from-former-cia-director/ 15:58:33 "And while Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency most used in illicit activity, other cryptocurrencies are used far more often for illicit purposes as a share of their total transactions. " 15:58:42 ^ stating a guess as if it's a fact 16:05:39 he headed the company behind "WMDs in Iraq" lie. no surprise there 16:25:28 5:57 PM <+rupee[m]> ^ stating a guess as if it's a fact 16:25:28 also who cares if the number of txs are still lower than bitcoins for illicit purposes ( eventual ) 16:25:49 in that space absolutes should count , as they are also dealing with absolutes from fiat 16:36:40 CAPTCHA_REQUIRED: can you repeat? 16:36:44 You were not voiced but now you are 17:07:55 is #monero-defcon still the defcon place or did it move somewhere else? 17:09:54 jwinterm: #monero-events 17:10:10 All events are there now 17:10:32 thanks 17:10:52 I am bored and also hyped for defcon 17:11:06 was gonna go buy ticket but apparently can't yet 17:11:47 Yeah, they haven't set the format yet 17:26:14 rupee[m], DaveyJones: https://twitter.com/Lewified/status/1382021641845280772 17:28:29 boy, i feel like the 4th amendment is already disregarded 17:29:04 don't see how the NSA's mass data collection is anything other than a warrantless search. 17:29:51 > Morrell also said, “Fourth Amendment is critically important, and it is important that we maintain the privacy and civil liberties of Americans. I happen to believe that although it's sometimes difficult, it is always possible to do both.” 20:59:22 "While it's always possible, we choose not to do so because the risk of being caught by someone like Snowden is low and it requires too many calories to secure judicial approval *insert shrug emoji*" -Three letter agencies, probably 22:27:09 Ok 22:28:03 Hello, I am unable to get started with monero. Monero seems to hold my computer hostage with random io. I have a zpool and it can reach speeds of over 600MB/s. However, because monerod lmdb sends nothing but randomio, my entire storage system is pegged at 4MB/s, stalling out all other proccesses and slowing the sync down to a neverending crawl. I tried setting recordsize=4K redundant_met 22:28:03 adata=most and moving bitmonero into it's own zfs dataset but that only postponed the problem. Now i'm at 98% sync again fully saturated my random iops and never completing sync 22:28:39 SSD is recommended for sync 22:28:59 also try v0.17.2.0, it contains fresh checkpoints for faster sync 22:29:27 Is there a way to run monerod with hdds, possibly a different backend? 22:29:44 you can run on HDD, it simply takes a while 22:30:01 daemon verification is simply random IO heavy 22:30:14 One other thing. Monerod keeps trying to send udp/53 requests to random servers instead of using my system configured resolvers /etc/resolv.conf 22:30:15 lots of small random reading 22:30:24 selsta: how small? 22:30:48 Do you have a specific number? 22:30:51 no 22:31:03 Well how small of io on average you think? 22:31:21 53 is dns I think 22:31:42 It has to look up historical tx / blocks during verification 22:31:52 1 tx = 2kb 22:31:55 That's an important because I can tune my storage pool to send io below a certain size to the 'special' vdevs which can be solid state 22:32:05 Oh, 2K not 4K 22:32:18 it depends on the transaction 22:32:22 it can be smaller and larger 22:32:31 Is there a way to lessen monerod's effect on pool fragmentation? 22:33:38 Just leaving monerod running for 2 days raised my pool fragmentation by 2% 22:35:03 Sync on a different device with SSD and then move blockchain to your storage thing 22:35:26 Oh ok so it's only needed for initial sync then 22:35:36 That's much more reasonable 22:35:40 Is there a way to get rid of these errors and have monerod use the resolv.conf's resolvers? https://dpaste.com/EUR8KT3AY.txt 22:38:17 try adding --disable-dns-checkpoints --check-updates disabled 22:38:21 not sure if that will help 22:39:18 "Oh ok so it's only needed for initial sync then" <-- monerod only uses a lot of resources during initial sync 22:40:36 It's not the resource use that's the problem. It's the tiny random io that strangles the rest of the system and slows the entire 600MB/s pool down to a steadt 4MB/s because that's as fast as hard drives can do small random io 22:41:31 Supposedly there's a way to work around this if I buy moar ssds and make a mirroed 'special' vdev 22:54:42 Does monero use udp for peer connections? 22:55:45 Not afaik 23:01:43 Great 23:01:46 Thanks for the help 23:12:25 Os there a way to get checkpointing with using my own recursive dns resolver? 23:12:53 Instead of sending out requests to other people's rdns on the net. I firewall off all external rdns servers for privacy and security reasons 23:12:54 DNS checkpoints are not used anyway 23:13:02 Alright