00:29:42 woo! I finally got my port forwarding setup working properly and got my daemon to have a nonzero number of incoming peers! 01:02:57 huzzah mechanimist[m] ! 01:41:58 I see there's a command `print_coinbase_tx_sum` and now I am wondering... what's monero got to do with Coinbase Global, Inc.? Does "coinbase" mean something else here? 01:42:53 coinbase refers to coins produced by mining a block 01:43:16 oh! 01:43:30 that is where the company coinbase got it's name 01:43:37 I guess the company took the name and now it's impossible to search for it as a regular term 02:19:34 It's late, but it's here: 02:19:34 https://sethsimmons.me/posts/this-year-in-monero-2021/ 02:19:34 Going up on Twitter shortly, please DM me if you see an issue or know something that should have made the cut! 02:27:48 sethsimmons: this is awesome 02:28:51 Please please please send me anything I missed! Want to be sure 02:28:51 sethsimmons no typos or mistakes spotted. Great job. You'll hear from our lawyers for not saying anything about El Monero podcast. 02:29:01 Didn't have a ton of time but wanted to be sure to get this out! 02:30:19 Don't know if where you used perspective, you wanted to use perspectives (plural), but other than that, truly didn't find any oddity within the text. 02:30:52 Have an example? Not sure what you mean here but I didn't really take a deep grammatical pass (just spelling and simple grammar) 02:31:40 Last word. Second paragraph below statistics. 02:32:25 Intended, but nice catch :D 02:32:33 * rottenwheel uploaded an image: (95KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/halogen.city/bf5bb137a2ac842668b21328b89d7b91805bd9dc/Screenshot_20210418-213152047.jpg > 02:32:39 No problem. 02:33:07 Now that I think about it that's a weird one 02:33:17 Because I want to grant "perspective" 02:33:22 But the mixed plurality looks weird 02:33:26 Curse you rottenwheel 02:33:36 Now I'm going to be dreaming of grammatical quandaries 02:33:37 Lol. 02:33:44 This is what you get when you ask for peer review! 02:33:58 Lol. 02:35:13 SO MANY REGRETS> 02:35:18 * SO MANY REGRETS. 02:43:05 Ah forgot hashrate and miners. 02:43:05 Will add that. 03:06:20 Added. 03:12:32 gingeropolous: do you have the historical miner count over time? 03:13:03 I used the back of mind 40k at RandomX fork and the current stats from miningpoolstats.stream but wasn't sure if you had been saving the counts you've been taking regularly. 03:37:51 It would be cool to see a little chart showing a difference in the transaction size 03:38:29 use the ol' little circle in the big circle chart šŸ‘€ 03:39:01 i heard humans perceive area differences really well 03:39:36 really great though so far 03:42:26 I'll try to do something like that for all the major differences tomorrow if possible. Goof suggestion! 04:26:16 is there a matrix room that is bridged to #monero on freenode? I can't seem to find it 04:29:00 mechanimist: #monero:matrix.org 04:30:00 ah so it's not on monero.social 04:32:55 Oh wow, good catch. Something perhaps for sgp_ to bridge whenever they have the time. I think it's because bridging requires the freenode channel admin to quickly approve which may be why it's taken a while since sgp doesn't have admin on that channel 04:37:30 It is bridged, the issue is that it does not have a monero.social address so it is not searchable there 04:43:48 Also, no one is admin beyond the IRC service there, similar to the situation that's befallen -community on monerosocial, so no one could even add the monerosocial published address 05:05:59 infinitejest-_: Whenever you happen to be online, please PM me; Element client won't let me since it claims you're offline 12:37:28 sethsimmons, kinda. we've been posting them in the pow channel, so i can grep my logs, but stupid IRC logs aren't timestamped, so you could plot it over unknown time 12:39:02 needmoney90 is admin in both 12:39:40 oh wait they are timestamped 12:45:46 Sweet, no idea how I'd plot those but I'll try :D 12:47:00 sethsimmons, ah, it just doesn't include the year 12:47:01 https://termbin.com/oehka 12:47:32 i did some minimal data cleaning, and sech1 decided to use different syntax, so it needs to be sorted 12:47:57 Is that starting in Dec 2019, I assume? 12:48:04 but the time span should be around november of the year randomx started .. 12:48:07 yeaj. 2019 12:49:14 and in general, we just recorded new ATHs 12:51:36 Nice, I'll see what I can do with that 12:51:53 If nothing else I can have real numbers for post-RandomX till now :D 12:52:53 yeah, if no one gets around to it i'll clean up the data and try to plot it.... at some point... 14:08:27 Update to mining with detailed unique miner numbers: 14:08:45 Crazy 14:08:58 holy, that's really good! 14:12:54 how's number of miners determined? šŸ¤” 14:14:55 https://miningpoolstats.stream/monero 14:15:12 gingeropolous and sech1 have been cataloguing it since RandomX went live in IRC 14:15:25 Sadly there isn't a historical chart/lookback on that site. 14:16:40 yep 14:18:01 but is that just scraping from the pools APIs? is there some extra protocol like stratum? 14:18:21 Not sure what you mean 14:18:29 The pool APIs are the only way to collect that data. 14:18:45 If miners have large operations they'll use XMRig Proxy and appear as a single miner via those APIs 14:20:29 sethsimmons: just wondering if there's a way of figuring out number of solo miners too - I've been seeing a big push for it recently, it'd be interesting to get some numbers there if it were possible 14:20:36 * sethsimmons: just wondering if there's a way of figuring out number of solo miners too - I've been seeing a big push for it recently, it'd be interesting to get some numbers there if it was possible 14:20:39 Nope 14:20:58 You could maybe guess at it with nonce distribution and unknown hashrate but I doubt it 14:21:24 The number is likely a good bit higher than what we know because of that (and other pools that aren't scraped). 14:40:15 So it is a good measure for a lower bound of miners 15:46:27 Not according to my client 15:46:31 * xmrscott[m] uploaded an image: (16KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/PsqDfQSkwaJWaTVZTMOhWsLk/image.png > 15:46:41 * xmrscott[m] uploaded an image: (2KiB) < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/monero.social/gwCiFLUsaKRfRKWgeSAePZaT/image.png > 15:46:55 (-community, Matrix side via Element) 15:48:36 The Android client does not show them all, only the last actives, not sure why 15:50:10 This is Desktop client FWIW 16:30:57 xmrscott: here in Monero Community I see @needmoney90:matrix.org as Admin. Also there is someone called @pablonero:matrix.org 16:35:56 and in #monero:matrix.org , I see @needmoney90:matrix.org as admin too, along with two other users that right now I do not remember seeing around 16:36:56 xmrscott: We really need to get in contact with @needmoney90:matrix.org so he can put as admin of those rooms someone more active 16:37:29 I'll check it out today. 16:37:32 Ah, it's a matrix vs monerosocial discrepancy 16:37:47 Also I see where my issue is already 16:37:59 Matrix vs privacytools 16:38:03 Base account 16:39:03 Great, I also need to have a bot made Moderator, not Amin, moderator in those two rooms, so it can remove the spam. 16:39:45 needmoney90: if you get into that account again, ping me so I can make the bot join and you make it moderator 16:40:09 Ok 20:48:55 Hey Monero is now live on TxStreet šŸ˜€ do u guys want to test it? 20:49:42 nice :D 20:53:40 txstreet[m]: make sure to also post on Reddit 20:54:05 Looks amazing!!! 20:55:01 Thanks! :D Will post on social media in a bit 20:57:38 Looks cool 20:57:49 love the little infobits from Isabella 21:03:14 https://twitter.com/txstreetCom/status/1384250622564659203 21:04:46 that's really cool! 21:04:49 Why did I just see a bunch of people get off the monero bus? 21:04:56 right before it left 21:05:17 I think you have to ask the miner that lol 21:06:23 hahaha 21:06:49 you did a beautiful job on this, dude. 21:09:55 ahaha so good looking at xmr / btc side by side. Median TX cost, pending transactions etc .. 21:10:00 Thanks :) A Monero community member did the Isabella sprite for me 21:10:11 last blok: 44 minutes ago, huge clog up at the station 21:10:28 txstreet: love the rings 21:13:01 txstreet: suppose the mempool of monero has like 100k txs, would the characters all wait on the bus and get kicked off when not included? 21:13:42 If there were that many then there would be multiple buses. 21:14:40 If they fill a bus completely, then they start to wait outside the bus, and consecutive buses will appear when there are enough txs to fill them 21:15:15 Monero has a block size limit. It's just continuasly reavaluated 21:17:01 and the beauty of the dynamic blocksize is that the protocol is always trying to put everything into one bus over time 21:17:30 Yeah hopefully we see that bus grow as people start using Monero more 21:21:13 Should it be nanoneros or piconeros 21:23:01 Chose nanoneros for better readability, so there's not 4 digits on the bus 21:24:16 Txstreet is my favorite blockchain visualizerā¤ 21:25:44 txstreet: hey i have always wondered how the pathing and speed is chosen 21:28:07 speed is based on the fee relative to the median fee 21:28:28 pathing meaning where they start? thats just random lol 21:29:48 txstreet: Blockchain Size (Pruned) 109,349.99 MB ? Pruned ? Pruned should 30gb odd isnā€™t it 21:30:26 txstreet: thanks for info 21:31:21 oof, you are right. I was using a pruned node in my dev environment 21:31:29 I will update it 21:32:27 txstreet: do you have any other blockchains you would like to add later btw? 21:33:00 nothing in mind to add besides eth layer 2 right now 21:47:24 So tempted to send a super high fee to see how fast i can make it go 21:49:38 haha there is a limit 22:10:31 miners are really taking their time with the next block, is the hash rate ok? 22:10:45 finally just got a block like 15 mins lol 22:10:46 happens sometimes 22:12:21 boy this is fun to watch 22:12:59 first time ive seen monero with any kind of "congestion" lol 22:13:04 right after it goes live 22:13:09 lulz the dropped nano wallet 22:13:22 you should do dropped little pieces of paper 22:13:28 that have monero seeds on them for prize wallets 22:13:45 and they only appear on peoples screens n seconds after they've been watching 22:14:10 could prolly even use javascript to monitor amount of mousing over activity 22:14:23 though that could be thwarted by bots 22:14:27 ive thought about doing that, but if i do it regularly then bots would get everything lol 22:14:32 yeah^ 22:15:17 I wonder why the miners dont include all txs they can fit in 600kB 22:15:51 they dont like money 22:57:13 300kB 22:58:34 volantaryism1[m], i think its because of block propagation delay 22:59:36 and/or tx propagation delay 23:00:25 300kB not 600kB 23:01:00 over 300kB there is a penalty that needs to be compensated by higher fees 23:01:20 if larger blocksize is sustained then fees drop back down 23:04:26 heh. one cool thing you could do over time txstreet[m] is to make the size of the buses indicative of the size of the blocks 23:04:41 because when monero gets really used, the blocks will grow and shrink 23:04:58 it does that already ;) 23:05:04 nice. 23:05:13 hoping the limit goes up soon so we can see 23:05:28 .mempool 23:05:29 The current number of txs in Monero's mempool is 127 23:05:34 .lastblock 23:05:35 Last block found 2.59 minutes ago with height 2343077 included 65 transactions 23:05:42 how about when a miner gets a penalty because they increased the tx size the blockchain police chase after the bus 23:05:53 er, increased the blocksize 23:06:46 the penalty would only occur if enough transactions exist that have a high enough fee to offset the penalty 23:07:18 so inside the bus those txs could be shown paying off the bus driver to "GO GO GOOOOOO" 23:09:10 heh. you could draw attention to a current screen door in our submarine, which is the tx_extra. maybe feed tx_extra into a color routine to give isabella a different colored hat 23:09:23 eventually hopefully no more hats would exist because we'll get ridda that darn thing 23:21:46 gingeropolous: is there a limit to tx_extra data? 23:23:06 Nope