00:02:38 txdistiller512: do you have the 24 word private key (dont post it anywhere)? 00:02:57 You can use it to restore your wallet in another working app such as the MyMonero wallet 00:03:23 fyi though MyMonero charges for wallet restoration 00:03:51 LyzaLittle: not at all 00:03:58 they change that? 00:04:19 LyzaLittle: i have never heard of them charging 00:04:53 lol i wont post it 00:04:57 It's because it's a service. They run the node for you, and restoring a walelt takes a lot of node resources because every output has to be scanned up from the restore height 00:05:10 LyzaLittle: they dont charge 00:05:12 I have not looked ito restorin g it 00:05:38 txdistiller512: i would use mymonero wallet if you are looking for a simple, easy to use one 00:06:07 The fact that you are getting invalid outputs its suspicious, i would stop using wookie wallet 00:06:14 I have a hard time just getting it sync 00:06:43 txdistiller512: if you have the seedphrase, migrating and syncing on mymonero is easy 00:07:07 volantaryism1[m]: they charged in the past, I don't know if they still do 00:07:21 I have used it once when i moved money to store it i 2020 00:07:42 txdistiller512: i would reccomend MyMonero, is its well trusted by the community 00:09:51 0.1 XMR fee https://intercom.help/mymonero/en/articles/4314749-i-would-like-to-restore-an-old-wallet-i-used-to-use 00:10:03 which nowadays is 35 or 40 bucks 00:10:13 brbi will look into 00:10:20 brb 00:10:51 LyzaLittle: i will have to look into that, wont reccomened them if that is true 00:11:17 it was reasonable when XMR was $40 lol but they haven't changed it in forever 00:11:27 txdistiller512: the GUI wallet for computers or Monerojo wallet for android is good too 00:12:22 Monerujo, Cake, Official GUI from getmonero.org, and also featherwallet.org is simple and styled like Electrum if you're into that 00:14:59 LyzaLittle: i just restored a wallet on mymonero for free 00:15:33 volantaryism1[m]: it'd only start scanning from when you logged in without an import tho 00:15:36 Wait 00:15:40 ok bak 00:15:47 Damn i see they charge 0.1 XMR to restore... 00:15:49 let me read over this page 00:15:54 That is super scummy wtf!!!!! 00:16:03 yeah you can hit up support. i used to do it for free lol 00:16:06 Fuck MyMonero... what scammers 00:16:08 volantaryism1[m]: why is it scammy? 00:16:09 whoaasa 00:16:23 just create a new wallet and move your funds into it 00:16:29 I wouldn't say it's a scam per se they just need to update the price, XMR ain't 40 bucks anymore 00:16:34 if you don't want to charge the fee, though with the price increase it is too high 00:16:35 ^ 00:16:49 it was always kinda high to me honestly but yeah 00:16:53 selsta: chargine 35$ to scan a balance which would use less than 10ths of a cent in compute power is scummy as fuck 00:17:01 we had a bug in import detection 00:17:08 so it was a jarring user experience 00:17:11 *charging 00:17:17 volantaryism1[m]: that's not the definition of a scam 00:17:24 I will no longer ever reccomend MyMonero... 00:17:40 selsta: what makes a scam? 00:17:51 volantaryism1[m]: You can run your own server 00:18:07 MyMonero worked to standardize the API behind the server and we even sponsored the release of an open source implementation of the server for you 00:18:16 And in the app you can set whatever server you want 00:18:35 tho I would recommend getting an SSL cert to encrypt your traffic 00:19:33 it was a free / out of my and his pocket service otherwise. we saw no profits by a longshot from providing scanning 00:20:41 I use my own node when using a mobile wallet so it isnt an issue for me or anyone with knowledge of monero. 00:20:41 Only complete newbs who lack information would end up paying the 0.1, in my eyes that is predatory and scammy 00:21:10 monero price was way lower just a short time ago 00:21:14 they did not update it yet 00:21:17 ^ 00:21:25 it used to be more 00:21:52 volantaryism1[m]: it was an open source project that relied on people's help .. it's been around about as long as monero itself 00:21:57 so if you could, please let them know? 00:22:05 seems like the import process still uses long payment IDs 00:22:15 Ok so I looked around and i am not sure, right now, where the phrase is for the wallet. ... the error " transaction was rejected by daemon with status: reason invaild output".... 00:22:32 txdistiller512: do you have the most up to date version of whichever wallet you're using? 00:22:36 endogenic: im sure people would donate... the monero donation wallet has had over 110,000 monero donated to it 00:22:45 damn 00:22:48 i wish i got a donation lol 00:22:53 volantaryism1[m]: I don't think that's accurate 00:22:56 still working anyway 00:23:05 we never asked for donations anyway 00:23:10 11000 XMR if you import the wallet with view key 00:23:19 110000* 00:23:26 but that is not the accurate balance due to missing key images 00:23:26 1110000000 00:23:34 it's in binary 00:23:50 yes I have the up to date ver. 00:23:55 *114742.3789937830394 to be exact 00:24:27 volantaryism1[m]: like I said, it does not have that many lol 00:24:35 view only balance is inaccurate without key images 00:24:40 as it displays change as incoming transactions 00:24:53 I know, i am just saying that that much has been donated 00:25:00 no 00:25:01 :D 00:25:13 Unless the wallet is doing churning? 00:25:35 if you receive 100 XMR into a view only wallet and send 50 XMR out the view only wallet will display 150 XMR 00:25:46 even if it only received 100XMR total 00:25:59 due to 50 XMR change getting added on top 00:25:59 that's.... pretty unintuitive ngl 00:26:07 lol it's bc of how viewkey scanning works 00:26:15 view only wallet displays incoming transactions 00:26:56 it does not display the accurate balance unless key images are imported 00:26:57 I found someone elses idea for the problem but that requires me you build a sysytem, with distro and d/l the blockchain to sync up, not sure if this make sense, yet 00:27:15 key image is individual for each TX yeah? 00:27:17 selsta: damn, lol i need to go to monero school again, but still i think my point still stands, i am more than willing to donate to maintain MyMonero 00:28:06 nah you can use Cake or Feather or the official GUI with a remote node, will be much faster 00:28:07 LyzaLittle: yea I think so 00:28:28 volantaryism1[m]: it's not a question of maintaining it 00:28:36 so after all the back and forth, is mymonero wallet a good option 00:29:02 it will work but you will have to pay 0.1 XMR only you can decide if it's good. I'd say not worth it to me 00:29:12 other options are free 00:30:41 just realized its been 25 years since i have used IRC, time flys 00:31:11 txdistiller512: use cakewallet or monerujo wallet 00:35:47 <+volantaryism> thx for the info.hard to lose 12.3XMR right now 01:04:37 where do I find the official remote nodes??? 01:04:47 didnt find any 01:07:40 ok found an DIY how to run a node. thats a start 01:08:14 go txdistiller512 ! :) 01:09:12 official remote nodes hehe 01:09:22 https://monero.fail 03:06:50 just started running a node yesterday, the guides were very helpful. 06:23:06 i think its really hard to understand for new users which nodes to trust. I am thinking of hardcoding one in the discourse plugin i am working on so that the user is not even confronted with the question 06:54:46 spriobel: usually best to run your own 06:55:14 i host monero.fail, and while i can't verify/trust each one that's added, it does help to have a huge list to choose from 06:55:38 there's a route that returns json if you want to feed it into your app rather than hardcode only one: 06:55:41 https://monero.fail/nodes.json 06:56:20 I see. what are the security implications? i just need to if transaction have been verified. 06:56:51 > <@freenode_lza_menace:matrix.org> i host monero.fail, and while i can't verify/trust each one that's added, it does help to have a huge list to choose from 06:56:51 * I see. what are the security implications? i just need to check if transaction have been verified. 06:57:08 * I see. what are the security implications? i just need to check if transactions have been verified. 07:01:59 whatever node operator ends up fielding your tx will have the ability to log the payload contents and source IP 07:03:32 okay. so it means its mainly a privacy concern, right? 07:03:52 yes 07:04:31 you can combat that by routing via tor 07:05:08 but more complexity to your system...another dependency to manage 07:05:16 all just tradeoffs... 07:06:08 you are right that makes total sense. I start to understand: all the information i send to monero-wallet-rpc can be seen by the node, right? so the node might see how much money i receive. 07:06:32 amazing. Not easy to understand in the beginning. 07:06:54 hmmm, i don't think the node sees amounts 07:07:38 need someone more knowledgeable than me to chime in on that 07:07:42 okay so the monero wallet rpc still does something before sending it to the node? amazing. it would be interesting to know what exactly the node sees. 07:32:58 spirobel: read this: https://moneroworld.com/ 07:33:08 the first few paragraphs 07:52:06 I read it but I didnt get smarter. In my use case i primarily want to create addresses for a cold wallet and let users send money to these addresses. then I need to check if the transactions got verified. so no money is being sent. I guess I would use these methods: https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-rpc-reference/#create_address and maybe this one: 07:52:06 https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-rpc-reference/#get_transfers the question i wonder about is this: when I use these rpc methods what does the node actually receive and what are the implications of that? I would be glad to hear your thoughts on this. But maybe its not an easy question. I am thinking about just doing a test and looking at wireshark to see what comes out on the other side. 08:01:14 you probably should do that just as a learning experience 08:56:51 aukai :D 13:47:07 rehrar: Have you updated the proposal already? 13:47:19 Yes 13:47:21 He pushed a commit today 13:51:06 Just reading it, looks good to me 14:25:53 There is a comment [here](https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monerod-reference/#mining) that I am curious about 14:25:53 > Be advised though that real mining happens in pools and with high-end GPU-s instead of CPU-s. 14:25:53 Is this comment a holdover from before RandomX or does it still hold true? 14:27:03 There is a comment [here](https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monerod-reference/#mining) that I am curious about 14:27:03 > Be advised though that real mining happens in pools and with high-end GPU-s instead of CPU-s. 14:27:03 Is this comment a holdover from before RandomX or does it still hold true? 14:31:05 No, it's a holdover and should be updated. 14:42:25 https://twitter.com/xmrhero/status/1386685988366430208?s=20 14:42:25 is this.... real? 15:13:22 Account that was created in Jan 2021, and looks nothing like the Kastelo prototypes, so at the very least, probably not Kastelo HW wallet that has been under development for years 15:17:04 msvb-rtc: Looks like you / #monero-hardware may have some healthy competition: https://twitter.com/xmrhero/status/1386685988366430208 15:43:08 somebody announced they were working on a hardware wallet not long ago. They also intended to open a CCS porposal at one point IIRC 16:00:08 Right on, glad it seems like it may be legitimate then 16:16:12 SerHack says this is fake: https://twitter.com/serhack_/status/1386714099162169347?s=21 16:16:21 It's a stock photo of a dev board 16:16:33 😒 16:17:08 we had i_a working on a hw wallet 16:17:15 not sure what the latest status is 16:45:55 Yeah it’s like someone taking an arduino and saying they made a Monero wallet for it πŸ™ƒ 16:45:59 Sad 23:37:31 i did some work w some hardware companies back when and last thing going on there that i was involved in was working on factoring the hwdevice cold signing etc into a generalized format other companies could use for forming monero txs ... and it needed to be confirmed if things like sigs would even really fit in any existing secure memory chipsets 23:38:19 but wow there is so much scope for hardware devices for monero