00:12:29 11ty 00:12:45 https://www.11ty.dev/ 01:45:45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apLzw11ItMw 01:45:46 [ Tracking Bitcoin Transactions - YouTube ] - www.youtube.com 05:13:40 > npm 05:13:44 im out 05:13:49 :D 07:10:53 wise choice lol 12:50:22 I've gone with Hugo for my blog: 12:52:51 * Mumuks[m]1 < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/wGiuKhBazuZaNbGwmMspHIBR/message.txt > 12:54:43 I really love it so far. 13:38:36 sethsimmons, what is better about hugo than jekyll? 13:41:28 Go-based, simpler themeing, but overall very similar 13:41:45 I went with Hugo as other's had recommended it but both are great options! 13:42:14 Go-based is already enough reasoning to switch. 13:42:17 Static language. ezpz. 13:42:36 I've only dabbled into ghost and no complaints. 13:42:46 * I've only dabbled with ghost and no complaints. 13:44:09 Ghost is solid but I wanted self-hosted. 13:44:12 And Tor 13:44:24 Easy to satisfy both with a static site generator. 13:51:12 huh, I haven't played with Go at all 13:51:17 maybe I will give it a shot 13:51:33 currently my amazing website is using jekyll jwinterm.com 13:54:27 lol, nice website. 14:08:05 w0w 15:58:18 * johnfoss68[m] < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/TRifoGBbsdWCCyPjdBOucZft/message.txt >