mj-xmr_Let's discuss my Compilation Time Reduction proposal here :)
monerobux[REDDIT] Accounting for my compilation time reduction CCS proposal (self.Monero) | 9 points (100.0%) | 0 comments | Posted by mjxmr | Created at 2021-05-20 - 08:34:55
mj-xmr_or here:
selstamj-xmr_: don't think reddit is the best place to discuss these
selstawill take a look later
mj-xmr_selsta, I was asked to duplicate the GitLab reports there. I don't know who my contributors are actually and where they come from. But if you can take a look it's also cool.
selstaah ok :) just meant in general reddit isn't the place for dev related discussions, as most people on reddit are not familiar with monero's codebase
xmrscott1FWIW, Liberachat has created an account in the fediverse: mastodon.social/@liberachat
rehrarComplyLast: Monero guard is down atm, and you weren't voiced so nobody heard. You are now.
ComplyLast<ComplyLast> Is the community thinking on moving to a different irc network?
ComplyLast<ComplyLast> And if so is OFTC being considered?
ComplyLast<ComplyLast> Among other things, it's very Tor friendly, which should be a plus for this community. tor is there, qubes is there, it's overall more privacy centric than freenode
selstaComplyLast: we will most likely move to liberachat
selstaafaik they are working on Tor support