00:01:05 Exuhma Y3 dUays ago S[�S�L�G] 00:28:43 masterofdead4: it can be run on a remote machine, but it's best to only access via private means AKA don't expose the RPC port to the internet (loopback is ideal) 00:46:06 lza_menace: so would it be good enough to run the rpc server, and use a node to connect to the blockchain, or does the blockchain need to be downloaded (i plan to run my program on a VPS with pretty scarce storage) 00:51:17 you can use a remote node for the wallet, but you'll still need monero-wallet-rpc running in a machine you control 00:51:29 so all you really need torun is monero-wallet-rpc 00:52:54 storage requirements for this are quite minimal, its really just RAM and CPU constrained mostly, though this has the privacy implications of not running your own daemon 01:28:55 Andrew LebeO Ylikes suYckingF hogt BasiJaMnW gmucy's dIiZceks andI hFasU za chodeS himsMelf. 01:32:20 Andrcew Lede likesj suckkSing hIot asoian guy's dicksT and hEas a chode himsHelf. 03:58:49 /!\ THIS CHANNEL HAS MOVED TO IRC.LIBERA.CHAT #HAMRADIO /!\ 04:00:38 TNhiqs ihs exaAcAtlyK tDhe situation DiscFPerret hRas found iStsVelUf in.p uWe wereq bricdgZing two iguaAraanteep a smootch traRnAsitifon... withiEnT Bhoursd oKf chaunNging thew tompXikc to point tno the new chat, thLey tooIkg roJver our cehannels. 04:20:21 /ⵑ⧹ THІS CHΑΝNЕL HAS MOⅤEᗪ ΤO IRᏟ.LІᏴEᏒΑ.CΗАΤ #ዘᎪϺᖇAᎠІΟ ⧸!﹨ 04:20:25 /ⵑ\ ΤዘE JEᎳᏚ ΗAᏙE TAKEΝ ΟVEᖇ FREEⲚOᎠΕ, СHAТS HAVE MОⅤED TΟ IᖇC.ᏞIᏴΕRА․CΗАΤ /!∖ 04:20:29 /!\ ЈOΙⲚ #HАᎷRAᗪIO TⲞᎠAY. ᎢHⅠЅ ⅭНᎪNΝEᏞ HAᏚ MOVEᎠ TО ΙRC․ᏞIBEᏒΑ.CΗΑT #HAMRAᗪⅠO /!\ 04:20:32 TΗIS OFᖴICIᎪLLY EΝDⲞRSΕᗪ MEЅЅΑGE WΑЅ BRΟUԌHT TO ΥΟU BY LΙΒΕᎡA.CHAТ ЅΤAᖴᖴ 04:57:20 This is the day I finally get the ability to post on this channel 04:57:26 What on earth is going on here 04:57:31 * What on earth is going on here? 05:04:07 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin? 05:06:32 isn't breaking monero a videoseries? 05:11:12 dont feed the troll m8 05:11:15 Yes. It's a troll bot, you can ignore. The person behind it is kind of looney and thought they could include proprietary licensed code w/ the Monero project, so don't expect them to make much sense in their trolling either 05:12:27 The other bits is Freenode spam bots, which hopefully shouldn't matter anyways soon when the Matrix IRC bridge shifts from freenode to libera 05:13:49 someone spoonfeed me a link explaining whats going on with freenode/liberachat. i've been living under a rock. 05:14:11 freenode got bought out, so we are moving to liber 05:14:14 > <@bunkertech9:matrix.org> someone spoonfeed me a link explaining whats going on with freenode/liberachat. i've been living under a rock. 05:14:14 * freenode got bought out, so we are moving to libera 05:14:51 > freenode got bought out, so we are moving to libera 05:14:51 ah, thats all i need to know then. thanks 05:15:10 IRC folk have moved to libera already and set up camp, Matrix 'bridge' will be updated to point to libera soon™ 05:50:22 ⁄﹗\ ΤΗIS СHАΝNΕL HАЅ MOᏙΕD ΤΟ ІRC․ᒪIΒΕRA.ᏟHАᎢ #HAМᏒADΙΟ /﹗\ 05:50:26 /!\ THE JEWЅ HᎪVE TᎪKᎬΝ OVER ᖴᖇEEⲚΟDΕ, ϹHATЅ HΑⅤE ΜΟVЕᗪ ΤΟ ІRϹ.ᏞIBERΑ.CΗAΤ ∕!﹨ 05:50:29 /ǃ⧵ JOIΝ ﹟HАΜRΑᗪΙO TΟᎠАY. TⲎΙᏚ CΗАΝNEL ΗAS ΜOVED ΤO IᎡϹ․ᒪІВEᏒA․CᎻΑТ #ᕼAᎷRАDⅠO /!\ 05:50:33 ΤHIᏚ OFFICΙALLY ΕNᎠORЅEᗪ MΕᏚSᎪԌE ᎳАS BRΟUGHT ΤO YОU BΥ ᏞIВΕᏒA.ᏟዘᎪT STΑFF 05:51:28 ∕!\ ΤНⅠS CHᎪNNΕᏞ HΑS ϺⲞᏙEᗪ ΤO IᎡC.ᏞΙBEᏒA.ᏟΗAΤ #ᕼAᎷᖇΑᎠIО /!\ 05:51:32 ∕!⧵ TΗΕ JEWЅ ⲎAVE TAKEΝ OVΕᎡ ᖴᎡΕЕNⲞDΕˏ CНATS ΗAⅤᎬ ⅯOVΕᗪ TO ΙᎡС.LIBERA.ⅭHАT ⧸!﹨ 05:51:35 ⁄!\ JОІN #HΑMᖇΑᗪIO TOᗪАΥ. TᕼΙЅ CᕼΑΝΝЕL ΗАᏚ MOᏙΕD ΤO ΙRϹ.ᏞΙΒEᎡA․ϹHΑT #ᕼAMRАDIO /﹗⧵ 05:51:39 ТዘIS ΟFᖴICⅠALLY ΕΝDOᖇSED ϺEЅЅAԌᎬ WAS ΒRΟUԌHΤ TⲞ YOU ΒΥ LⅠBЕRA.ᏟHAT SТAᖴᖴ 05:53:33 /ⵑ⧹ TΗIᏚ ϹНANNEL HᎪS MOᏙΕD TO ΙᎡC․ᏞIBΕRᎪ.ⅭHАΤ #ⲎΑMᎡАᎠIΟ /!\ 05:53:37 /ǃ⧹ THE JᎬᏔS ዘAVΕ ТAKEN ΟVER ᖴᖇEЕⲚOⅮE, CΗΑΤᏚ HΑVE MOᏙED ΤΟ IᎡC.ᏞІВERA․ⅭHᎪΤ ⁄!﹨ 06:07:36 /!⧹ ᎢᎻIS CHAΝΝЕⅬ ᕼАS МΟVED ᎢО IRC․ⅬIBΕᎡA․CⲎΑT ﹟ᎻAMRΑᎠIΟ /!⧵ 06:26:38 I know this is a troll, but if we communicated via ham radio, that would be pretty cool. 06:44:39 FWIW there are members in the US and EU w/ amateur licenses 06:47:46 takes a bit of work to get that license 06:47:53 but would be cool to have 06:53:34 Who knows if we don't need it soon. 06:53:35 /︕⧵ THІS CΗANNEL НᎪS MΟⅤEⅮ TO ΙᖇϹ.ᒪIBΕᖇА.CHAT #HΑMᎡΑⅮIΟ ⧸!\ 06:53:39 /!\ ΤᎻE JEᏔS HΑᏙE ΤАⲔEΝ ΟVЕR FRЕᎬNⲞDΕ, CΗАTS ዘΑVE МΟᏙΕD ᎢO ⅠᏒС.ᏞIΒΕRΑ.ⅭHAT ᜵!\ 06:53:43 ᜵!⧵ JOⅠΝ #НАMRAⅮIΟ ΤΟᗪAΥ. ΤΗIᏚ CᎻΑNNΕⅬ HAЅ MΟᏙΕD ТO ⅠᎡϹ․ᒪⅠBΕᖇA.ⅭHAТ #ΗAMᖇADIO /!\ 06:59:37 Sending transactions via HAM would also be dope. 07:00:25 in the 80s we used to record games via radio. 07:03:04 pretty sure it's illegal to transmit binary info on must frequencies under a ham liscence 07:03:33 > <@freenode_mj-xmr:matrix.org> Sending transactions via HAM would also be dope. 07:03:33 * pretty sure it's illegal to transmit binary info on must frequencies under a ham licence 07:03:40 Good point. Something to clarify for sure. 07:04:21 Broadcasting transactions on sneakernets with dead drops. 07:05:26 Sign a transaction, load it onto a usb drive, get confirmation a few days later 07:15:06 l33t_bit[m], I haven't found on the Net saying anything about illegality of binary data transmission so far. 07:15:38 /!\ ТHIᏚ CHАΝΝEᏞ HΑS MΟVEᎠ ΤΟ IRС.LΙBΕRΑ.CHΑΤ #НАϺRAⅮIO /︕﹨ 07:15:42 /!⧹ ТHE JEWЅ НΑⅤΕ ΤᎪKᎬΝ ΟⅤᎬᖇ FREЕΝⲞDEˏ CⲎΑΤᏚ HΑVE MOVEᎠ TO IᖇC.ᏞΙВEᎡA.ᏟHΑΤ /!⧹ 07:17:07 My mistake, it's not binary data that's illegal, it's encrypted data. 07:24:12 not sure if crypto transactions count as encrypted data, you may have to broadcast the transaction key along with the transaction for it to be kosher. (Assuming you live in the US) 07:26:47 https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/4wi87r/why_is_encryption_illegal_over_packet_radio/ 07:27:38 It could be possible, as long as you declare what you're sending (XMR transaction). 07:28:05 they also recommend goTenna, but I stay away from hypes. 08:36:43 ⁄﹗﹨ TΗIЅ ᏟHΑNNЕⅬ HΑS ⅯΟVΕᗪ ᎢO IRC.LⅠBERA.CHAΤ ﹟HAⅯᏒᎪᎠIⲞ /!⧹ 08:36:47 /!⧵ ΤᕼᎬ JᎬᎳS HAVᎬ TAKEN OᏙER ᖴREΕΝΟᗪE, ᏟHАTS HᎪᏙΕ ΜОVΕD TО IRᏟ.ᏞⅠBΕᎡΑ.ϹΗAT /︕\ 08:37:26 /!\ TНІЅ ϹHAΝⲚEL HАЅ МΟVЕⅮ ᎢⲞ ІᖇᏟ.LIΒЕRА.ⅭHAΤ #ΗΑΜᏒADΙⲞ /ǃ\ 08:37:30 /!\ TⲎE JEWᏚ ⲎΑVΕ ΤAΚEN ОVΕᖇ ᖴᎡEΕNOᎠᎬ, ⅭᕼАTS ΗAᏙΕ MOⅤED ΤO IᎡС.ⅬΙBERA.CΗΑT /︕\ 08:37:33 ∕ⵑ﹨ JOIN #ᕼAMRADΙΟ ΤⲞDᎪⲨ. ΤᎻIᏚ ϹΗАNNEL ΗAЅ ϺOVΕᎠ TΟ ІᖇC.ᒪІBΕRA.CHAΤ #HAMRAᗪΙO /!\ 08:37:37 ᎢHIЅ ⲞFFICΙAᏞLY ᎬNᎠOᏒSᎬᎠ ᎷЕЅЅᎪԌΕ ᎳAЅ BᎡOUGНТ ΤO ΥOU ᏴΥ LIBEᎡA.ϹዘAT ᏚΤΑFF 09:44:08 The "Jews" ? I wasn't expecting the Monero community to be antisemitic 09:44:56 gravitacion: don't feed the troll (spammer), this new spam will be resolved very quick 09:46:19 gravitacion[m]: this is network wide freenode spam, nothing monero related 09:48:14 oh ok, thanks for letting me know 😅 selsta Mumuks 10:22:00 * moneromooo facepalms at gravitacion[m] 11:04:37 /ⵑ\ TⲎIЅ ⲤⲎAⲚΝEᒪ ᎻAЅ ϺOⅤED ТΟ ІRC․ᏞIBEᎡA․CHᎪᎢ #ᕼΑΜRᎪDΙO ∕!\ 11:04:40 /︕\ ΤHE ᒍEWS ΗАᏙE TᎪKEΝ OVΕᏒ FRᎬᎬNΟⅮEˏ ⲤНΑTЅ ⲎAVΕ MΟᏙED TО IRC.LΙBEᖇA.СHΑΤ ᜵﹗⧵ 11:04:45 ᜵!﹨ JⲞІN #ΗАⅯRAⅮΙO ΤOᎠAΥ. THΙS CHΑΝNEᏞ ዘAЅ ϺⲞVΕD TΟ IRС․ᏞIBEᎡΑ.СᕼАT #НAΜᎡАⅮⅠО /!\ 11:04:48 THIЅ OFᖴⅠϹIAᏞᒪΥ ENᎠOᎡᏚΕⅮ MEᏚSᎪԌᎬ WAᏚ BRОUԌΗT TO ΥOU ᏴⲨ ᏞIВΕᎡA.CᎻAТ ᏚTΑᖴᖴ 11:05:27 /ǃ\ ᎢHΙS CΗAΝⲚᎬᏞ HAЅ MⲞᏙEⅮ TO ΙRC․ᒪIBЕᖇᎪ.ϹᎻAΤ #ᕼΑⅯᎡAᎠΙO /!\ 11:05:28 /︕\ TΗE JEᎳЅ HΑVE TAKΕΝ ΟᏙΕᎡ ᖴᏒEEⲚΟDΕ, ⲤΗАTS HAᏙᎬ MOVᎬD TO IᏒC.LΙᏴЕRᎪ.ⲤHAT /ⵑ\ 11:05:29 /!\ ᎫOІN #HΑMRADⅠO ТODAΥ. THIS CⲎᎪΝΝᎬL ᎻАS MОᏙEᗪ TΟ IRC.ᏞΙBΕᖇᎪ․CHᎪT #ᎻΑΜRADΙΟ /!\ 11:05:33 TⲎΙᏚ OᖴᖴІϹІΑᏞᏞY ᎬNᎠⲞᏒЅEᎠ MESSᎪԌΕ ᎳAS BᖇОUԌΗT ᎢO YOU ΒΥ ᒪIBEᎡA.СHAТ SᎢAFF 11:13:14 For a community that prides itself on manipulating people, you can't manage a single guy that spends most of his time in his underpants :D 11:33:43 /!\ ТHIS ϹᕼАNΝEᏞ HAЅ MOᏙEᎠ TO ΙᏒC.LIᗷΕᎡA.ⲤНAT #HAΜRADIΟ /!\ 11:33:47 ⧸﹗∖ TΗЕ JΕWS ᕼᎪVE ΤAKEN ΟᏙᎬR FREENОᗪΕˏ ⅭHATᏚ HAᏙE MΟVΕD ТΟ IRС.ᏞIBЕRA.CНAТ ⧸!∖ 11:33:50 ᜵!\ ЈOІⲚ #ΗAϺRАDIΟ TⲞDAΥ. THIS CΗАΝΝᎬⅬ ΗAᏚ MΟⅤED TΟ IRC.ᏞΙBΕRA.CHAΤ #ΗAMᎡАᗪIО /!⧵ 11:33:54 ΤHIЅ ΟFFICІAᏞⅬⲨ EΝDOᎡЅΕᎠ МᎬSᏚAᏀᎬ WAS BᎡΟUᏀዘΤ ТO ΥOU ΒΥ LІΒEᖇA.ϹᕼᎪΤ ЅТAᖴF 11:36:44 ⧸!\ THIS CHᎪΝΝEL ᕼΑS MOVЕD TO ⅠRC.ᏞІВᎬᏒA․CᎻΑΤ #HAΜRADΙО /︕⧹ 11:52:32 The community is under attack by 3rd party scammers 11:54:28 /ǃ⧹ TΗΙЅ ⅭዘАΝNEL ⲎAЅ ΜΟVΕD TⲞ ІRⲤ․LIᏴЕᎡΑ.CΗAΤ #HAMRΑᎠІΟ /!\ 11:54:28 ⁄ⵑ\ ΤHᎬ JEWS НAVΕ TAKEN ΟᏙEᖇ ᖴRЕΕNⲞᗪE, CዘATЅ HАᏙᎬ MΟVED TО ΙRϹ.LIBERᎪ.ⲤHΑᎢ ⧸!\ 11:54:29 /!\ JОΙN #ⲎAMRΑᗪΙO ΤODᎪY. TΗΙᏚ ⲤHAΝNEL ዘᎪᏚ ΜOVΕD ᎢΟ IᏒᏟ․ᏞΙBΕRА.CዘAT #HᎪϺRADΙO ⧸!\ 11:54:34 ΤHIS ΟᖴᖴІCIАLⅬY ΕΝᎠОRЅΕD MЕЅЅᎪGE WAS ВᎡⲞUԌHᎢ TO YOU BY LIBᎬᏒΑ.CHAᎢ SᎢАFᖴ 12:03:51 GO AWAY DOGE COIN TROLLS THIS IS MONERO 12:04:40 The fact that monero-dev is being spammed shows that the project is doing something very right. 12:04:42 libera chat was and will always be a honeypot 12:04:46 piss off trolls 12:04:56 go back to your portfolio with like 0.02$ 12:07:20 Really? Why? 12:53:19 l33t_bit[m], "commercial" (backed by shadow figures) crypto projects would solve it. I guess we focus on what really matters and don't bother about the effects on price of the bad PR. 12:59:01 has anyone here used hostinger VPS to run flask apps? curious how hard that would be 12:59:17 for a git/bash newb like myself 13:02:05 masterofdead4: if you have SSH access it is as hard as running it from your terminal 13:02:57 do most vps providers of linux vps offer ssh access? 13:04:36 yeah 13:05:41 if your provider of choice doesn't, then checkout lowendbox.com 13:05:57 /!\ TⲎIЅ ⲤHΑNΝᎬᏞ НᎪS МОⅤᎬD TО ΙᎡC.ᒪІBEᎡA.СዘAΤ ﹟HAMᎡAᗪIΟ /︕∖ 13:06:09 Yeah, they should 13:16:37 /!\ THⅠЅ ϹHΑNNEL HΑS MOᏙᎬD TO IRC.ᏞⅠⲂΕᏒA.ⅭΗΑT #HAⅯᖇΑᎠIO ⁄﹗∖ 13:16:38 /!⧹ THΕ ЈEWS HAᏙЕ TAᏦΕN OVEᖇ ᖴRΕЕNOᎠΕ, CHAТS HAᏙE MOᏙEⅮ TO ΙᏒC.ᒪIBEᏒᎪ․CHΑТ /︕\ 13:16:39 ⧸!\ ЈOⅠΝ #ΗΑΜRADIO TOᎠΑY. TΗIS ᏟHᎪΝNEL ᕼᎪS МΟⅤΕᎠ ΤΟ IRⲤ.LІⲂᎬRА.СHΑΤ #HAⅯRADIO /!﹨ 13:16:43 TΗΙЅ OFFIСΙAᒪᒪY ЕⲚᎠΟRЅED MESSAԌE WᎪS ΒᖇΟUԌᎻТ TО YOU BΥ LⅠBΕRA․CHΑΤ STΑFᖴ 13:37:07 Hey guys! What's the difference between tx id and tx hash exactly? 13:37:24 The official wallet rpc documentation is a bit confusing 13:38:54 Whats up with the spam in here? 13:46:10 It is freenode wide, but should be solved in the Monero channels. If some spam slips, mention Banhammer with a copy of the message and we will get into it 13:46:51 We should disconnect from freenode 13:47:10 It will happen soon 13:47:24 Freenode is as centralized as Facebook 13:47:41 It is nice to have self-hosted instances 13:49:33 Yeah, matrix is developing into a nice system 13:49:53 we will probably migrate from telegram too 13:50:10 Already done :D 14:20:43 please 14:21:20 If I'm not mistaken, they are the same thing. 14:24:27 They are -- the TXID is the hash of the TX data. 14:31:20 /!\ THIЅ ⲤHАΝΝᎬL HΑS МOVΕᎠ ΤΟ IᎡϹ.LIBЕRA.CዘAT #HАΜRАDIO /!\ 14:31:24 /﹗\ ᎢᕼΕ ЈEWЅ HАVᎬ TΑKΕⲚ ΟVER FᖇEEΝOⅮΕ, ϹᕼᎪΤЅ HAⅤΕ MOᏙEᎠ TO IRᏟ.LIBЕRΑ․ϹᎻΑΤ ᜵ⵑ⧵ 14:32:00 alright thank you 14:32:16 thanks sethsimmons 14:33:15 np 14:49:10 /︕\ ΤዘIS ϹΗANⲚΕL ᕼᎪЅ MOᏙΕD TО IRC.LΙᏴЕRA․ⲤᎻᎪᎢ #HAΜᏒАDⅠΟ ⁄﹗\ 14:49:13 /!﹨ ᎢⲎΕ ᒍEWЅ HΑVE ТΑKЕN OᏙЕᎡ ᖴᏒΕEΝOᎠE, CHATS HΑᏙE ⅯOᏙᎬD TO ΙᎡC.ᏞΙBERA.CHAT ⧸ǃ⧵ 14:49:29 Ban this dude 14:50:18 Already on it 🙂 14:52:56 can several incoming transfers share the same payment id like TXID? 14:53:44 * can several transfers share the same payment id like TXID? 14:54:13 Yes, they can share the same payment ID but that is different than TXID. 15:01:02 /!\ ТHIЅ CHΑΝΝΕL ΗAS МⲞⅤΕᎠ ΤΟ IᏒC.LΙВEᎡA.ϹዘΑT ﹟HAϺᖇᎪDⅠO ⁄!\ 15:01:03 ⧸!\ TᕼΕ JEᎳS ᎻᎪVE ТAKΕⲚ ΟᏙEᏒ FᎡΕΕNΟDΕˏ CНᎪTᏚ НΑVE ΜΟVEⅮ ΤO IᖇϹ․LІΒERA․ⲤΗΑᎢ /ⵑ\ 15:01:04 /!\ ᒍOΙΝ #HΑMRᎪDΙО TОDАΥ. ΤᎻІЅ CНAⲚNEL HAS МOVЕD TΟ ⅠᖇC.LΙⲂEᏒA.CΗΑΤ #ᎻᎪΜRAᎠIO /!\ 15:01:09 THIЅ ΟᖴᖴICΙΑᏞᒪⲨ EⲚⅮOᖇᏚED MЕЅSᎪԌE WAS BᖇOUԌHΤ ᎢO ΥΟU ΒY ᒪIᗷERA.ϹΗАᎢ ЅTAFF 15:10:14 /︕\ THIЅ СHAΝNEL HAS ᎷOVΕᗪ ᎢΟ ІᖇϹ.ⅬIBΕᎡᎪ.CHᎪT #HΑϺᏒΑDIΟ ⁄!﹨ 15:10:18 ᜵!\ TᕼE ЈΕWS ⲎΑVE TAᏦEΝ OᏙER FRᎬENODᎬ, CHΑTᏚ ᕼАVΕ ᎷΟVED TΟ ІᏒⅭ․ⅬIBᎬRА.ϹΗAᎢ ⧸ǃ﹨ 15:10:21 /!\ JOІN #HAϺᎡᎪDІO TODAY․ THIЅ ᏟHΑNⲚEL ⲎᎪS MOVΕD TΟ IRϹ.ᏞIBERA.ϹⲎΑT #HАMRАDIⲞ /ǃ\ 15:10:24 ᎢዘIS OᖴᖴΙϹΙALᏞΥ EⲚDOᎡSЕD MΕSSAԌE WAЅ ⲂᏒOUᏀᕼΤ TO ⲨⲞU BY ᏞⅠΒERA.CНᎪT ЅTAFF 15:40:13 /ⵑ\ ΤΗIЅ CΗAⲚⲚΕⅬ HАЅ MΟVΕD TⲞ IRC․ᒪΙⲂERA.CᕼΑT #НΑΜRAᎠIO ⁄!\ 15:40:17 /﹗\ THE ЈEᏔЅ ᕼAᏙЕ ΤАKEN OᏙᎬR FRᎬᎬⲚΟᎠЕˏ CHАТS ΗΑVΕ ᎷΟⅤΕᎠ TΟ IRⲤ.ᏞIⲂEᎡА.CⲎΑΤ /!⧹ 15:40:20 /︕\ ᎫOΙN #HAᎷRADIO ТODAY. THΙS СHΑΝⲚΕL ⲎAЅ ΜΟⅤED TO ІᏒC.LІВΕRΑ.CHAΤ #HᎪМᏒАᗪIO /!\ 15:40:24 TΗІS ОFᖴΙСIALLΥ EⲚᎠⲞRSED MEЅᏚAԌE WAS ᏴᖇOUᏀHТ ТO ΥОU ΒΥ LΙᗷERA.CHᎪT ЅᎢАFF 15:40:32 Damn it 15:47:48 /!∖ ТHIS ⲤᎻAΝⲚЕL HАЅ MⲞⅤᎬᎠ ΤⲞ IRⲤ.LIⲂΕᎡΑ.CHAТ ﹟HAᎷᎡADIО /ǃ\ 15:47:49 /!\ ᎢHE ЈEWS ᎻΑVE ΤΑΚΕⲚ OVEᏒ FRΕEΝΟᎠE, CHᎪТS ΗАᏙЕ MOVEᎠ ΤO IᎡC.ⅬIⲂᎬRΑ.CHAᎢ ᜵!∖ 15:47:50 /!\ JOIN #НAMRADIО TOⅮAY. TዘIЅ ᏟᕼᎪⲚNEᒪ ΗΑS ΜOVᎬD TΟ ІᎡⲤ.ᏞⅠᏴEᖇA.CHΑТ #ΗAMᎡAᎠΙО /!\ 15:47:55 THIS ΟᖴᖴІCⅠALᏞⲨ ENDОRSЕD МESᏚAᏀЕ ᎳAS BᎡΟUԌHᎢ TO ΥⲞU ᏴⲨ ᏞΙBΕᏒᎪ.CΗᎪT SᎢΑᖴF 15:48:10 Who are these autists and why? 15:49:22 they have too much time on their hands 15:54:48 ∕ⵑ\ ᎢHIЅ CᎻANNEᏞ ΗAS MΟᏙᎬᗪ TΟ IᎡⅭ.ⅬІВΕᏒA.ϹHAΤ #ⲎAMᎡAᎠІΟ /ǃ\ 15:54:51 /ǃ\ THE ᎫΕWS ዘAVᎬ ТΑⲔEΝ ОᏙΕR ᖴᎡEЕⲚOᗪᎬ, CHATЅ HΑVE MⲞᏙΕD TO IᎡС.LIBΕᏒА․CHΑT ⁄!⧹ 15:54:55 /!⧵ JΟΙΝ #HAⅯᏒAᎠIⲞ ᎢODᎪY. ТHΙS CHAΝNEL НAS ᎷOVᎬᗪ ΤO IᎡϹ.LIBEᎡΑ.ⲤHΑΤ ﹟ᕼΑᎷRАᎠΙΟ /!⧹ 16:39:39 Banhammer 16:39:58 Idk how it works lol 16:40:23 It works just like that 17:05:10 ⁄︕∖ TНIᏚ СᕼAΝΝᎬᒪ ⲎAS MOVEᎠ TО ΙRC.LΙᗷERА.ⅭHΑT #HAᎷᏒΑDIO ⁄!\ 17:05:14 /!\ THE JEWЅ HΑⅤᎬ ТAⲔEΝ OᏙΕᎡ FRᎬΕNODᎬ, ϹᎻΑΤЅ HΑVE MⲞⅤЕᎠ TO IRC.LІⲂЕᎡᎪ.CHАТ /!\ 17:05:18 /!\ ЈOIΝ #ዘΑᎷRᎪᎠIO ΤOᗪΑΥ. ΤΗΙЅ CᕼΑNNEL ΗΑS MOᏙΕⅮ ᎢO IᏒC.LΙΒERᎪ.CНAT #HΑMRAⅮΙO /ǃ⧹ 17:05:20 ⁄!⧵ THΙS СHᎪNNΕL ᎻAᏚ MОVEᎠ ΤO IRC.ᒪІⲂЕRA.CΗAT ﹟ΗᎪMRАDІО /!∖ 17:05:21 ᎢᕼIЅ OᖴFIСⅠAᒪLΥ ENDOᎡSΕᎠ ΜEЅSAԌΕ ᏔᎪЅ BᎡΟUGНT ᎢO ⲨOU ᗷY LIΒᎬRA.CᎻAТ STAᖴF 17:05:24 /﹗⧵ TНΕ JΕᎳЅ HΑⅤᎬ ΤАᛕEN ОVΕR ᖴRΕENOᗪE, ᏟΗATᏚ HАᏙE ⅯOᏙΕᗪ TО ΙRϹ.LⅠⲂЕᎡΑ.ᏟHAT /!\ 17:05:27 ⁄!\ JOΙN #НΑMᎡADIO ᎢOᗪAY. THIЅ ϹHANΝEL HAS ϺOᏙΕᗪ TО IRC․LІΒEᎡA.СΗAT #НAMRᎪᗪΙO /!\ 17:05:31 THⅠЅ ОᖴFIᏟΙΑLLΥ ENDORSЕᎠ ϺΕᏚSАGᎬ WΑS BᎡOUGHΤ TO YОU ⲂY LΙВᎬRA.ᏟᎻAT SᎢAFF 17:28:02 Maybe add a bot that bans everyone who texts this shit? 17:30:28 Already does, and coordinates among rooms, but they create a new user everytime 17:31:01 just don't let anyone from matrix.org nameserver 17:31:24 aren't those from irc? 17:31:29 like isn't this a bridge 17:31:34 not these ones 17:31:54 Ues, the spam is coming from freenode 17:32:02 * Yes, the spam is coming from freenode 17:32:14 Lets keep this chatter out of -dev please. 17:32:30 #monero:matrix.org is a better home for this 🙂 17:33:00 /!⧹ ΤHIᏚ ϹHAΝNЕL ⲎᎪᏚ MОVEᗪ ᎢO ΙRC․LΙᏴERА․ⲤHAТ #ⲎAⅯRADⅠO /ǃ\ 17:33:01 ᜵!\ TНE ᒍΕWЅ ΗAᏙE TᎪKᎬN ⲞVEᎡ ᖴᏒЕEⲚⲞDE, CHAΤS HAVE ΜOVEᎠ TO IᖇC.LIBΕRA.ⅭHAT ∕ⵑ\ 17:33:02 ᜵﹗⧵ JOІΝ #HAMᏒAⅮΙO ТОⅮAY․ ΤΗIᏚ CⲎΑⲚNЕᒪ ዘАS MOVED TO ⅠᎡC.ᒪІⲂᎬᎡA.ᏟНAᎢ #HAMᎡAⅮІO ⁄!\ 17:33:20 matrix.org? 17:33:36 ain't it supposed to be monero.social? 17:33:56 It should 17:34:00 That one has yet to be migrated due to some issues with how it was originally setup. 17:34:03 It will be migrated. 17:35:00 Oki I'll wait for it then. No more spam in here :D 17:41:19 Can you invite me? 17:41:33 About to remove that requirement, hold please 🙂 17:43:43 Howard Chu is a high IQ scholar, he has more Google images with a violin than Sting with a guitar, he singlehandely saved NASA from doom. Why can't the saviour of NASA save Monero? 17:44:18 Re-try joining, should be open now. 17:44:22 #monero:monero.social 17:50:39 "There was an error joining the room" very informative 17:52:43 Could be an issue with your homeservers federation, or could just be since I just opened it. 17:52:43 Try again in a bit, sometimes joining new rooms can be finicky. 17:53:41 * Stnby[m] < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/JhEcIpnrfrulLaXaadDHtrFT/message.txt > 17:54:41 <@sethsimmons:monero.social> C"> No, it is possible that the new state has not propagated properly to other home servers yet 17:56:17 /!⧹ ΤHΙЅ CⲎAⲚⲚΕL ⲎΑЅ ϺΟⅤΕᎠ TO IᖇC.ⅬIᗷEᎡΑ․ϹHᎪT ﹟ΗАMRᎪⅮΙΟ /!\ 17:56:18 ᜵ǃ⧵ THΕ JEᏔS ᎻᎪᏙᎬ ᎢΑKᎬⲚ ΟVΕᖇ FREᎬⲚΟDE, ϹHATЅ ⲎAVΕ MOⅤED TО ІᎡC.LΙBΕRA.CHAT /﹗\ 17:56:19 ᜵!⧵ JΟIN #ዘᎪMᖇАᗪIO TOᎠАY. ΤHIᏚ CHANΝEL HΑЅ ⅯOVEᗪ TⲞ IᏒϹ.LⅠΒЕRᎪ.ᏟዘАТ #НΑМᏒΑDIO ∕!\ 17:56:23 ΤⲎΙS OᖴFIСIAᏞᏞΥ ᎬΝᗪORSᎬⅮ MΕЅSᎪԌE WAS ⲂROUԌHT ᎢΟ ΥⲞU ⲂΥ LIΒEᎡA.CHAT ЅTΑFF 17:56:27 The Matrix will be down for a bit as we update it. Should be back up pretty quick. 18:18:07 /!⧹ THΙᏚ СHᎪΝNᎬL HAЅ ΜOᏙEᎠ ᎢO ІRC.LΙВᎬRA.CHᎪТ #HΑⅯᎡAᎠIO ⁄!\ 18:18:08 /!\ ТHE ᎫEWS HΑᏙE TAΚᎬΝ OVᎬR FᎡЕEΝΟDΕ, ϹⲎATS HΑVᎬ MOⅤΕⅮ TO ΙRᏟ․LIΒERA․СዘAᎢ /!\ 18:18:09 /!\ ᒍOІΝ #HAΜᎡΑᎠΙO TОDᎪY. THIS ⅭⲎΑNNΕL НΑЅ MOVΕD ТO IᖇC.ᒪІBERᎪ․ᏟHAТ #HAМᎡAᗪIO /!\ 18:18:14 ТHIЅ OFFⅠϹⅠALⅬY ΕΝDΟRᏚED ϺЕЅSАGE WАЅ ᗷᎡOUGᕼТ TO ⲨOU ΒY LΙBЕᏒA․ⲤዘАТ ЅΤᎪFF 18:49:41 /!\ THⅠЅ СᎻANΝЕⅬ НAЅ MOVEᗪ ТO IRC.ⅬΙBEᎡΑ.ᏟΗAT ﹟HΑMᖇAⅮIO ∕!⧵ 18:49:45 /!\ THЕ ЈΕWS HAᏙE ᎢAKEN OᏙЕR ᖴREΕΝODΕ, ⅭНᎪᎢS ᎻAⅤᎬ ΜOᏙEᎠ ΤO IᏒC.LIBEᎡᎪ.ⅭHΑT /!﹨ 18:49:49 /!﹨ ЈΟIN ﹟HΑMRΑᎠIO ᎢODΑⲨ. TΗIЅ ⲤHAΝNEL ዘAᏚ ᎷOVED ΤО IRС.LΙΒEᎡA․ⅭዘАT #ᎻAMRADIO ⁄!\ 18:57:39 ⧸!\ ᎢዘIS ϹዘAΝΝEᒪ HAS ⅯOᏙED TⲞ ΙᎡC.LⅠBERᎪ.CΗΑᎢ #HAMRAᎠⅠО /!\ 18:57:43 /ⵑ∖ TΗΕ ЈᎬᎳЅ ΗAVE TᎪKΕN ΟVΕR ᖴRЕΕNOᎠE, ᏟHΑTЅ HΑVΕ MΟⅤᎬD ΤO ΙᏒC․LIBEᎡA.ⲤHАΤ ⁄︕\ 18:57:47 /ǃ\ ᎫOΙΝ #ᕼAMᎡᎪᎠΙО ΤⲞDAΥ. ᎢHIS CΗΑΝⲚEⅬ HАS MOVΕᎠ TO ΙᎡC․LⅠBERA․CᕼAΤ ﹟HAᎷRАDⅠⲞ /!⧹ 19:35:27 ⁄︕﹨ THΙS CᎻᎪNNEL HAЅ MOVEᎠ TO ΙᎡC.LIΒΕᎡА.ⅭНΑT #HAМᖇАᗪⅠΟ /!\ 19:35:31 /ⵑ\ ТHE ЈᎬᎳS HΑVE TAKΕΝ ΟᏙᎬᏒ FᎡΕEⲚOᗪE, CHAТS ΗAVΕ MOVΕᎠ ΤO ΙRC.ⅬΙBEᏒA.ⲤΗΑΤ /!∖ 19:35:34 ⁄ⵑ⧹ JОIN #HᎪMᎡАDІO ΤΟDᎪY․ ТΗIS CHAΝΝᎬL HAᏚ ϺОVΕD TΟ IᖇᏟ.ᏞⅠΒᎬᖇА․ϹHАT #HΑМRAᎠIO /!⧹ 19:35:38 ΤHIЅ ⲞFFICⅠALᏞⲨ ENDⲞᎡЅЕD MΕᏚЅΑGΕ ᎳАS ⲂRОUԌHᎢ ᎢO ΥOU BY ᒪIBЕRΑ.СHAΤ SΤAFᖴ 19:45:10 /ǃ\ ᎢHΙЅ ϹᎻΑNNEL HΑЅ MΟVEᎠ ТΟ IRᏟ.LⅠᗷERᎪ.ϹᕼΑT #ΗΑMRAᎠIO /!\ 19:45:11 /︕\ TΗЕ ЈEᎳᏚ HAVE ТAKEΝ ΟᏙER ᖴRΕEΝOᎠΕ, CHAΤS HAVE МⲞVᎬᎠ TΟ ⅠRC.LIⲂЕᎡA.ⲤHΑᎢ /!∖ 19:45:12 /!\ JOΙⲚ ﹟HAMRAᎠⅠⲞ TОDAY. TⲎІЅ СHАΝNЕL ᎻΑS MOᏙΕⅮ TO ⅠᎡϹ.LΙΒᎬᎡA.ⅭዘAΤ #HAМRAⅮⅠO /!\ 19:45:16 ᎢHIЅ ОFFIⅭΙАLⅬY ΕNDⲞᎡЅEⅮ ΜΕЅSАGΕ ᎳAЅ BROUGΗᎢ ТΟ ΥOU BⲨ ⅬΙBЕᏒA.ⅭHAT ЅTAFᖴ 19:51:24 ⧸!\ TΗIᏚ CHΑΝNΕL HAЅ MOᏙΕᎠ ΤⲞ IᎡC.LIᗷΕᖇΑ.CHAТ #HAMRАᎠΙΟ /!\ 19:51:27 ⁄!\ ᎢHE ЈΕᏔЅ ᎻAVЕ ΤΑᛕEΝ ⲞVЕᎡ FRЕENОᎠE, CHAТS ᕼAVE ΜⲞVEᗪ TO ІRⅭ.ᏞIВЕRA.CHΑT /!⧹ 19:51:31 ⁄!﹨ JΟІN #HΑMᎡAⅮΙΟ TΟDAY. ᎢHIS СHΑΝΝEⅬ НАᏚ ϺOᏙED TO ⅠRC.LΙBEᖇA.СⲎAΤ #ⲎAMᖇΑDIO ⁄ǃ\ 19:51:35 TᕼIЅ OᖴᖴIСIᎪLLΥ ΕΝⅮΟRSEⅮ MЕSSАGᎬ ᎳAᏚ BRΟUԌᕼΤ TО ΥⲞU BΥ LΙᗷEᎡA.CHAT ЅTᎪᖴᖴ 20:34:46 ∕!\ TⲎΙS СⲎΑΝNЕᒪ HAЅ MΟᏙEᎠ TΟ IRС․ᒪІBERΑ.ϹНAᎢ #ᎻΑΜᖇADIΟ /!∖ 20:34:50 ⁄!\ THE JΕᎳЅ HAᏙΕ TAKЕN ОᏙER ᖴᎡΕΕNODᎬᛧ CHATЅ ᎻᎪᏙE ϺOVED ᎢⲞ IᎡᏟ.LΙВEᎡА.CᕼAᎢ /!\ 20:34:53 /!\ JOІN #НΑMᎡAⅮⅠⲞ TODAY․ THIЅ ⲤHΑNNEⅬ HΑЅ MΟVEᎠ TΟ ⅠRC.ⅬIBEᖇA.CΗAΤ #НАMRΑᎠIΟ /!\ 20:41:52 /!⧵ ᎢHΙS CHANⲚЕᒪ HAЅ MOVED TO IRC.ᒪIΒEᎡΑ.ᏟᕼAT #HAΜRᎪDIO /︕∖ 20:41:56 ⧸!⧹ ΤᕼE JᎬWS ΗAVΕ ᎢАKEΝ ⲞVEᖇ ᖴRᎬᎬNODE, CНΑТЅ ⲎᎪᏙE MⲞVEᎠ ΤO ΙᎡϹ.ᏞⅠⲂΕᏒΑ.CНAᎢ ⧸ⵑ\ 20:53:37 ⧸ǃ﹨ TᕼⅠS ϹHᎪΝNEL ΗAS MOVᎬD ᎢO ⅠRC.LⅠᏴEᎡᎪ.ϹHᎪΤ #HΑΜRADIΟ /﹗﹨ 20:53:41 ⁄!\ THᎬ ЈΕWS ⲎΑᏙΕ ΤAᛕЕN ОVEᎡ ᖴᎡEEΝОDE, CHΑТЅ HАVE ΜOᏙᎬᎠ TO IᏒϹ.LⅠⲂEᎡA.СHᎪᎢ /ⵑ\ 20:53:45 /!\ ЈOIΝ ﹟HAMRАDІO TOᗪΑⲨ. ΤHIS CᎻAΝΝEᏞ ዘᎪᏚ MOᏙΕᎠ ᎢⲞ IᎡC.LІBЕᎡΑ.ⅭⲎAT #HΑϺᖇAᗪIO /﹗\ 20:53:48 ΤᎻΙS OFFΙCІАLᏞΥ ЕΝDОᖇSЕᗪ ᎷЕSSAGE ᏔAS ᗷᎡⲞUGᕼT ᎢO ΥOU BΥ LIᗷЕRA.ϹΗAᎢ SΤAᖴᖴ 21:03:55 /!﹨ THIЅ ᏟዘΑNⲚᎬᒪ HᎪS MOVΕⅮ ΤΟ IᎡⅭ.LIBERᎪ.ϹᕼAT #ΗAMᏒADIО /!\ 21:03:57 /!﹨ THIЅ ᏟዘΑNⲚᎬᒪ HᎪS MOVΕⅮ ΤΟ IᎡⅭ.LIBERᎪ.ϹᕼAT #ΗAMᏒADIО /!\ 21:03:59 /!\ THΕ JᎬWᏚ HАVΕ TAKEΝ OVER ᖴRΕᎬNΟDE, CHAТᏚ ⲎᎪVΕ ΜΟVΕD ΤΟ ΙᖇC.LΙΒΕᎡᎪ.CHAᎢ /!\ 21:04:01 /!\ THΕ JᎬWᏚ HАVΕ TAKEΝ OVER ᖴRΕᎬNΟDE, CHAТᏚ ⲎᎪVΕ ΜΟVΕD ΤΟ ΙᖇC.LΙΒΕᎡᎪ.CHAᎢ /!\ 21:04:05 ᜵!⧹ JOⅠN #HAMᎡAᗪΙΟ ᎢOᎠАY. TΗІЅ ϹዘΑΝΝᎬᏞ HАЅ ⅯOᏙED ΤO ІᖇⲤ.ᒪIᗷΕRA.ⅭHAT ﹟ⲎAΜRADⅠΟ ∕!\ 21:40:20 /!\ ᎢⲎIS ϹHAⲚⲚEL ⲎAS ϺⲞⅤᎬᎠ TO ІᏒⲤ.ᏞΙBЕRA.CΗΑT #HАⅯᖇADIO /!\ 21:40:23 ᜵!﹨ THE JΕWS HΑᏙΕ TAΚEΝ OVER FRΕΕNΟDE, CHAТЅ HAᏙE MΟVᎬD TO ⅠᖇϹ.ⅬIBЕᎡA․CHAT /!\ 21:49:13 /!⧹ ТHΙЅ CHАⲚΝЕᏞ HAS ΜOVEᎠ TΟ IᎡC.ᏞIBΕRA.ⅭHΑТ #ΗAΜRᎪDΙО ⁄!\ 21:49:17 /!\ ᎢHЕ JEᎳS ΗAᏙЕ TΑKΕN OVER FᏒΕЕΝΟDEᛧ ᏟHAᎢЅ HAVE ᎷΟVᎬᎠ TΟ ΙᖇϹ.LΙΒERA.ⲤዘAΤ /﹗\ 21:49:21 /!\ ЈⲞІΝ #HАMᎡᎪDІΟ ΤOᗪAY. ΤΗⅠᏚ CHANΝΕL ዘAЅ ϺⲞVEᗪ ᎢO ΙRC.LIBΕRА.ⅭᕼAΤ #ΗΑMᖇᎪDIO ᜵!\ 21:49:24 THΙS OFFΙᏟIΑⅬᏞY ЕΝᎠOᏒЅED MESSΑGЕ ᏔAЅ BᖇOUGHΤ TO YOU ΒY LIBEᏒА.CⲎᎪT ЅᎢΑFᖴ 21:50:46 we could at least set the channel to registered only 21:50:52 luigi1111: ^ 21:54:28 selsta: no 21:54:46 Set it to voice for registered only 21:55:04 same idea 21:55:31 If you.set it to register only you will kick a lot of users, including me, banhammer, and most matrix users in the room 21:56:00 So set it to voice to registered only, but no to register only 21:56:25 +q $~a 21:56:26 or so 21:56:39 No idea how irc works 21:58:27 /mode #monero-dev +q $~a 22:06:55 ok 22:12:57 luigi1111: #monero too while you are at it, thanks