13:13:13 It all falls under the same seed you saved when you created the wallet, so it doesn't have to be combined etc. 13:13:14 But generally you don't need to use any new account, just use a new subaddress when receiving funds. 13:18:06 https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-GUI-guide/blob/master/monero-GUI-guide.md 13:18:15 Read that, and if you have more questions drop them in #monero:matrix.org please, this room isn't the appropriate place :) 16:12:11 .merges 16:12:11 -xmr-pr- 7349 7416 7481 7661 7662 7684 7729 7730 16:40:09 Hey guys, trying to connect to a self-hosted Monero node over Tor from macOS... using --socks5-proxy Tor is running in the background. Getting "error: resolve: Host not found (authoritative)". Would someone happen to know what I am doing wrong? .onion address and port 18081 are configured in settings. 16:46:28 sunknudsen: GUI? 16:46:33 Yes 16:56:18 sunknudsen: what happens when you try to connect to e.g. node.xmr.to:18081 with --socks-proxy ? 16:56:34 you can also try other tor nodes from https://monero.fail 16:56:39 that way you can figure out where the issue is 17:14:26 selsta Thanks for helping out... I am hoping to avoid connecting to other nodes... 17:15:18 You want to first find out on which side the issue is. 17:16:51 I totally agree... any of you running a Monero GUI connected to a self-hosted node over Tor using .onion address and port 18081? If so, which arguments are you supplying to monero-wallet-gui? 17:20:23 You can also try out `monero-wallet-cli` with `--proxy` switch. 22:32:49 .merge+ 7683 22:32:49 Added