11:34:05 to reconstruct the challenge for verifying an MLSAG signature, i need all key images including the key image for the commitment-to-zero. so am i right in assuming the key image of commitment-to-zero is only ignored when linking two MLSAG signatures in monero? 11:42:44 MLSAG doesn't use an image for the amount commitment component 11:53:26 you are right, i checked Z2M2 again and the key images only correspond to one time addresses and their private keys. are we using the private key for commitment-to-zero anywhere? how do we prove to the onlookers i know the difference of blinding factors between the commitment and the pseudo commitment? 11:58:02 never mind i see it now 11:58:27 K_(i,m) is the difference between commitments 11:59:34 when m>1 11:59:42 but wait we dont have to know the difference between blinding factors to sign? 11:59:46 Note that CLSAG does include such an auxiliary key image, but it is not used for linking purposes 11:59:57 Yes you do need to know 12:00:10 what for? 12:00:41 What is your question referring to 12:01:33 im trying to combine sections 3.5 and 6.2.2 in Z2M2 12:02:09 im trying to make sense how we are proving to the world that i know the difference between the blinding factors 12:52:11 what ever happened to the university thing with monero research lab, sarang , suraeNoether ? Like one of you was working on an entity or something. 12:55:57 maybefbi: you're showing that you know the base-`G` logarithm of the difference between the amount commitment and a commitment offset to the same value 12:56:35 and then you construct the blinding factors of the offsets and newly-generated amounts to sum to zero 12:56:38 this shows balance 12:56:42 in a signer-ambiguous way 12:57:17 gingeropolous: suraeNoether and others are collaborating with Clemson University to have a student work on a Monero-related project TBD 12:58:12 yeah but i thought u created a .... thing or something. it was like Magical something. 12:58:55 suraeNoether spearheaded a grant organization, MAGIC 12:59:07 He has since passed leadership on to others, but you'd have to ask him for details 13:00:13 but thats cool too. i was just answering this : https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/j02og5/if_someone_donated_5_million_to_monero_how_could/?ref=share&ref_source=link 13:00:17 ah yes, MAGIC, that was it 13:28:45 sarang: thanks. let me try writing some code, i will better understand what you said.