04:06:59 im down with this sabbatical idea 07:48:38 sarang: i am not going to say goodbye and farewell, as i believe it will only manifest you not returning. so have a nice holiday. chat soon :-) 08:29:50 I would donate to a Sarang Vacation CCS. Would the milestones be things like "enjoy a cocktail at a beach at sunset"? 08:30:16 Proof of Fun 10:24:51 "Proof of fun" sounds like a marvelous idea in a situation like that. 10:26:47 Yes, not giving up hope that once anything into the direction of a burnout is seriously taken care off and cured, we may see a careful (part-time?) return of sarang. Who knows :) 13:55:02 sarang: thanks for all the help. 14:04:57 can 2of2SignCond from https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/595.pdf be replaced with 2-of-3 MLSTAG from Zero to Monero 2.0? The third partcipant can be the yG =Y, which if Bob figures out before block t, he can spend the escrowed output of the DLSAG? 15:04:37 maybefbi: it seems like you’d need additional structures to control who learns y and when 15:12:19 UkoeHB_: yes, i am trying to not implement 2of2SignCond because it is not documented very well in the papers. i dont really understand it. 15:12:41 but yes I need some way to control how people learn y 16:23:52 if I remember correctly 2of2signcond has a typo that makes it more confusing 16:24:06 or rather, incorrect and therefore confusing 16:40:33 Just caught up in my free time 16:40:42 This is all quite overwhelming 0_0 16:42:02 What did you do on your first day? 16:42:34 ? 16:42:40 Must feel quite strange doing nothing sarang ? 16:42:44 lol 16:42:50 I didn't do a darn thing 16:42:54 it was outstanding 16:42:59 Hahaha 16:43:16 Took sarangcat for a walk, etc. 16:43:32 You can take cats for walks? 16:43:43 With a leash like a dog? 16:44:03 cats need a harnass to walk them i think 16:44:07 He does not appreciate a leash, so I let him wander around the neighborhood within limits 16:44:28 There are several cats in the neighborhood, and there's some kind of complicated territory battle going on 16:44:32 It's like a cat soap opera 16:44:44 So, it's cats being cats? :P 16:44:44 I wish that I understood it as well as they do 16:45:06 Ours never get let out of the house, just look wistfully outside through the backyard sliding door. 16:47:16 One of the cats stops by every evening in the hopes of getting pets and food 16:47:17 sarang: Do people freely let their cats roam around outside generally in the US? 16:47:28 Unfortunately, sarangcat views this as an affront to his territory 16:47:59 dEBRUYNE: I've seen a few indoor-outdoor cats here, but I fear that many of the outdoor-only cats were abandoned by their human friends :( 16:48:16 Depends on the cat owner. There's a large number of un-owned feral cats (Why we have such an issue with cats killing birds), but by and large, cats in the US are indoors. 16:48:17 So I make sure they at least have access to food and water 18:23:09 back in Michigan most pets were indoor/outdoor 18:23:30 their most common cause of death outdoors was being hit by a car 18:23:49 in LA most outdoor cats eventually get eaten by coyotes