15:22:29 is somebody here implementing cross-chain atomic swaps? like between bitcoin/monero? 15:22:45 i see it get mentioned every few months but tbh i never follow up on the conversations.. 15:25:43 Yes. kayabaNerve has a PoC I believe. zkao and h4sh3d[m] want to build something further. 15:29:18 kayabaNerve: i don't see anything on your github 15:41:46 andytoshi: https://github.com/MerosCrypto/asmr 15:42:09 andytoshi, for what concerns discrete log equality accross groups, 2 implementations so far: 15:42:19 https://github.com/comit-network/cross-curve-dleq 15:42:24 https://github.com/MerosCrypto/asmr/blob/master/src/dl_eq.rs 15:42:25 andytoshi: This was also recently released -> https://medium.com/comit-network/monero-bitcoin-atomic-swap-1cab015d7af9 15:49:40 andytoshi: hi - yes, we've been working for quite a long time on it and we took more time since beginning of this year. You can find the base protocol here: https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1126 15:50:23 But there's already some improvements that came out recently about simplifying the bitcoin transaction "footprint" 15:52:46 I started this work back in 2017, but I managed to complete it only recently with the cross group dleq and the adaptor signatures from lloyd fournier 16:12:53 andytoshi, and https://github.com/LLFourn/secp256kfun/pull/29 16:17:14 thanks all! 18:28:00 selsta: Thanks for linking the repository :)