08:26:24 Hi there, I wonder if an implementation of CLSAG in Python or Sage exists? 08:36:40 grydz, sarang has a proof of concept implementation made for demonstration purposes (and not production use) in python here: https://github.com/SarangNoether/skunkworks/blob/clsag/clsag/clsag.py 08:40:58 Thank TheCharlatan, that's exactly what I was looking for :) 16:15:08 I’ll not be able to attend today’s meeting sadly, but have fun researchers! 16:59:30 does the sarang ccs vacation require proof of vacation of from sarang and @sarangcat? pictures of the two with 🍹 on the 🏖️? 17:00:28 we need proof of relaxation to fulfill the proposal. 17:00:31 so, who is around? 17:00:36 Hi 17:00:48 * Isthmus waves 17:01:08 Hello :) 17:01:46 are there any topics posted? 17:04:07 I am not aware of any posted 17:05:21 So straight to the round table then, does anybody have something to share or discuss? 17:05:30 Yes 17:06:12 I want to provide a brief update on issue 70 and my recommended changes 17:07:05 https://github.com/monero-project/research-lab/issues/70 17:08:03 I have finalized the consensus part with the recommendation of using the longterm median as the penalty free zone 17:08:18 hello 17:09:19 On the fee calculation part I am goin to wait for the HF this week before finalizing the fee calculations since then we will have actual on chain tx weight data 17:09:45 The is one question I like some feedback on 17:10:42 Namely where the community want to go with ring size. In particular if there is any interest in increasing this in the short term? 17:11:20 The reason being this has a direct impact on tx weight 17:12:39 Actually i worked on bitcoin fees before, and I find liveness is totally an understaded problem, specially on bitcoin... can u give a hint on how u pick the fees? 17:13:17 What I will do is calculate the fees based upon no change from the current ring size of 11, unless there is a interest to change this 17:13:40 I think the ring size discussion will arise once we get around deploying a one-out-of-many proof based system. 17:14:18 So nothing before that. I will then work on that assumption 17:14:35 given that it was not changed for CLSAG, I would say that appetite for changing it until then is low. 17:14:55 That is also my impression 17:15:46 Hey Artic, that makes sense. Would you mind also modeling for some larger ring sizes? 17:15:49 My reasoning is this: if we set the fee system based on calculations that were only carried out for ring size 11, this might become a future sticking point (based on bad logic) when discussing potential increases ("Oh well, privacy aside, we shouldn't touch the ring size because our fee economics are based on ring size 11") 17:15:50 zkao Fees in Monero are very different from Bitcoin, since they are effectively controlled by the adaptive blocksize 17:16:11 (well, are based on but you get the idea) 17:16:42 So I think for the immediate decision, modeling for 11 alone is fine. But if you have the time/bandwidth to model other size in parallel might be good for future discourse 17:16:52 Isthmus That is exactly my concern 17:18:52 Hm, either way, it'll be interesting to see the sensitivity of (any given) fee system with respect to transaction size 17:19:13 If models show that tx size could triple and fee system will still work, I think we can all rest easy 17:19:20 That being said my overall recommendation is to increase the minimum penalty free zone currently at 3000 bytes if the reference tx size goes over 3000 bytes 17:20:04 300 kB currently, right? 17:20:13 It is the ration of the tx size to the penalty free zone that is critical here 17:20:37 300,000 bytes with a reference tx size of 3000 bytes 17:21:02 Ohh yea 17:21:03 * Isthmus nods 17:21:08 Sorry, I'm sleep today and a bit slow 17:21:16 s/p/py 17:21:16 Isthmus meant to say: Sorry, I'm sleepy today and a bit slow 17:21:19 So it works if the bult of the tx are below 3000 bytes 17:21:29 In any case modeling this is a great idea 17:21:47 I understand that the adaptive block size is game changer. What I can contribute to this discussion from my experience in Bitcoin is: Fee estimators that look at the mempool in the very shortterm work, the ones that dont work look do stats of past data, and always gives irrevevant fees. 17:22:27 That makes a lot of sense for Bitcoin 17:22:33 Interesting note @zkao 17:24:11 In Monero The main determining factor is are we in the penalty zone? 17:24:54 By that I mean can we load the entire transaction pool into a block an not pay a penalty 17:25:58 transaction pool being the equivalent to mempool in Monero 17:26:41 So that in effect determines the fee level 17:27:16 If the tx pool attracts a penalty then what is the max penalty rate 17:27:53 so in bitcoin when the fees went insane, the issue was the fee estimators, new transactions kept overtaking all ones and so on 17:28:14 but in fact they can just squeeze in, and pay almost the same fee as other transactions 17:28:58 There is increase in supply as a result of demand regardless of price in Bitcoin 17:29:41 In Monero if one increase price then one increases supply in a very predicable way 17:30:33 So this actually leads to very deterministic fees if one assumes a free market 17:30:38 Oh yea, I just remembered... Artic, how much would discretized fees (e.g. must be multiple of two, or power of two) impact your results? 17:31:14 Cuz we've got a lot of problems with hardcoded fees (software fingerprint), hardcode absolute fees (software fingerprint), fee sniping (software fingerprint), anomalous repeated values (software fingerprint), ... 17:31:28 actually the best strategy was to try to make the sorted fees on the transaction pool to be as smooth as possible to really allow prioritization of transactions. if the transaction pool fee distributions is totally irregular, its too hard to prioritize transaction 17:31:51 The other issue in Monero is that one wants to avoid fee personas for reasons of privacy 17:32:03 all im saying, the fee mess on bitcoin was not only because of congestion, but also because no fee estimator knew how to deal with that 17:32:28 It is both 17:32:38 exactly 17:34:35 ( for anybody not familiar with the fee anomalies observed in the wild, plots start at 8:41 here https://youtu.be/XIrqyxU3k5Q?t=521 ) 17:35:24 Thanks I was looking for that link 17:35:48 It deals very well with the fee persona issue 17:36:13 I've never heard "fee persona" until today, and it's such a perfect term 17:36:20 * Isthmus adds to vocabulary 17:36:38 It is easy to limit the number of fees and also limit the number of significant digits 17:37:10 The key is to always round up and not down 17:37:28 Isthmus, do you have anything to share with us? 17:39:57 oh, and I was looking for the post-quantum report a few days ago. Where is it posted? 17:40:59 A draft is here: https://github.com/insight-decentralized-consensus-lab/post-quantum-monero/blob/master/writeups/technical_note.pdf 17:40:59 Haven't publicized yet, was going to wait 2 weeks for feedback from MRL et al. Otherwise, I'll blast onto Reddit and Twitter early next week 17:41:26 Oh yea, good point about ceiling() vs round() @ArticMine 17:44:37 I am posting some short articles on unlock time usage in monero. The first one is here (about hardware wallets no validating it): https://thecharlatan.ch/Wallet-Timelock/ 17:45:02 I'll post the next two over the next week. 17:45:39 the title sounds like: i have fun burning money 17:45:57 :D 17:46:24 something something it's about sending a message. 17:48:12 Haha I locked some Monero for 500 billion years once 17:48:13 https://twitter.com/mitchellpkt0/status/1251621277179146240 17:48:31 I was wondering what would happen if I sent deeply locked outputs to a CCS donation address 17:48:41 Oh wait I should clarify 17:48:50 The super locked outputs are from research wallet 1 --> research wallet 2 17:48:55 Have NOT done any locked outputs to CCS 17:49:15 Great writeup @TheCharlatan 17:53:18 Haha I locked some Monero for 500 billion years once <---- The US DOJ might be interested in that. It effectively burns Monero is the time >> age of the universe 17:53:31 if 17:54:40 so I guess that it's for today? 17:55:09 Looks like it 17:55:11 Ooh @ArticMine I hadn't thought of that use case. Publicly verifiable too... 17:55:22 Yea, I gotta hop onto a call 17:55:26 gg 17:55:33 see you later 17:56:32 cheers guys