09:23:06 Atomic Swap question: Is it possible to see on the BTC side that a tx was part of a Monero Atomic Swap? 09:23:18 I.e. publicly 09:27:57 No 09:33:41 ... yes 09:33:42 Sort of 09:33:52 The BTC scripts, as proposed in the paper, are unique. 09:34:24 They're not used by anything else so it's obvious they were used in this protocol. With who/for how much XMR isn't known. 09:35:25 That said, multiple other coins are also enabled by this protocol. While XMR is likely to represent the majority market, other coins decrease the likelihood of a BTC swap being against XMR. That said, in order to truly make XMR swaps not obvious, you'd need another privacy coin to gain usage. 09:36:21 COMIT proposed a different set of BTC scripts which appear as a 2-2 multisig. I think those look identical on the success path? But 2-2 multisigs are uncommon and since funds enter/quickly leave... yeah, definitely open to chain analysis. 09:37:05 So they do state a TX was part of a swap and used this protocol. They don't say for what coin or anything about said coin. 09:59:27 for the comit proposal, which makes it directly leak even less information, btc txs are fingerprinted by a transaction level time lock only, but the script is just a 2 of 2 multisig. the empirical approach that h4sh3d and i discussed in the past is: scan the blockchain, of the btc scripts that we can write for this protocol, what is the most common, pick that one 11:25:31 Any thoughts on if taproot/graftroot could obfuscate it further? 11:51:28 yes, taproot, in the cooperative case, will hide the script totally 14:10:14 So that will be extremely interesting then