MRL-discord<Mitchell PKT> test
MRL-discord<Mitchell PKT> Ah good, bridge at discord.noncesense.org works again
MRL-discord<Mitchell PKT> h/t @n3ptune
moneromoooWe have had a fairly large number of asshole peers on the network for quite a while enow. I suspect they're spies.
moneromoooThey all point to each other in their peer lists
moneromoooA good research subject would be... how to ensure that a node selects peers to connect that mostly avoids those.
moneromoooActually... simpler: assign a "asshole score" to any peer, which can then be used to inform other decisions.
moneromoooIt's been a while since I looked, but IIRC their peer lists aren't 100% identical, just mostly.
moneromoooSo some kind of distance metric between peers which looks at their peer lists (knowing that we only receive partial peer lists) might work.
moneromoooThat can only be calcualted once we've connected thouhg.
moneromoooOther ideas welcome.
moneromoooIsthmus: quantum
selstaAFAIK they also mirror your own block height.
UkoeHB_Is the main problem they drop transactions during stem?
moneromoooThe main problem is probably they spy on us.
moneromoooThe proximate problem is some people get stuck with only those and can't sync.
moneromoooIIRC they used to relay txes (or blocks ? this was a log time ago).
moneromoooFunny that. A log time ago puts even more more emphasis than a long time ago...
zkaowhat is the relation of them being densely connected among themselves and spying?
lederstrumpfi.e. what practical advantage wrt. spying would these colluding spies gain by connecting to each other through monero's p2p layer?