10:34:27 clear 10:34:32 clear 11:03:27 you are clear to land pilot 16:11:46 john_r365: go green 18:35:03 rofl at the replies. *embarrassed face* sorry guys! tmux noob fail 19:23:55 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jevlah/i_made_a_cool_program_that_some_of_you_may_find/ 19:23:56 [REDDIT] I made a cool program that some of you may find useful. (self.Monero) | 6 points (100.0%) | 1 comments | Posted by Jerfov2 | Created at 2020-10-20 - 18:33:28 19:24:12 ^ tool that shows what transactions use a given output