08:11:01 Isthmus: Thanks 12:56:55 Hello. Would you have a job for me when I finish my PhD? It would be within 1 year and a half, maybe 2 if my supervisor wants to keep me another 6 months 13:06:48 There is no "job" in the common sense. There is funding by the community. How it works is that you do some work the community finds helpful, then you ask for funding to continue. The more people find your contribution useful, the more people are likely to participate in funding you. So your question cannot be answered now. 13:07:52 Basically, it's usually a try before you buy affair. 13:08:31 Well, that went well. 13:08:38 lol 13:11:02 moneromooo Sure, there resources are rare. One thing at a time, first, I need to get acquainted with GitHub... 13:59:01 what are you studying thomasb06 13:59:27 Antenna numerical simulation 14:00:31 I don't think we have any antennas here, did you have some particular direction in mind? 14:01:42 In mathematics, I have a good background, so maybe in cryptography I could give a hand 16:09:54 well there is the radio thing 16:09:58 that has antennas 16:10:01 whatsitcalled. 16:10:27 klorgbird or raven or sketchalatoo 16:11:43 klorglatoo. 16:22:18 loki. that was it 22:55:03 Hmm, depending on their background... @ArticMine your fee stuff & modeling falls under EconSec threat models, which could be pretty interesting. Anything you would want to carve off for them to analyze? < I do have something that would be very useful over the long term; namely the historical impact of adoption on price for Both Monero and Bitcoin. 22:55:20 ... and I have posted it on the thread