14:11:52 http://eprint.iacr.org/2021/631.pdf 14:12:19 Abstract:Decentralized token exchanges allow for se-cure trading of tokens without a trusted third party.However, decentralization is mostly achieved at the ex-pense of transaction privacy. For a fair exchange, trans-actions must remain private to hide the participantsand volumes while maintaining the possibility for non-interactive execution of trades. In this paper we presenta swap 14:12:19 confidential transaction system 14:13:06 (SwapCT) whichis related to ring confidential transactions (e.g. usedin Monero) but supports multiple token types to tradeamong and enables secure, partial transactions for non-interactive swaps. We prove that SwapCT is secure ina strict, formal model and present its efficient perfor-mance in a prototype implementation with logarithmicsignature sizes for large anonymity sets. 14:13:53 For our con-struction we design an aggregatable signature schemewhich might be of independent interest. Our SwapCTsystem thereby enables a secure and private exchangefor tokens without a trusted third party. 15:01:00 Interesting thanks for sharing :)