ErCiccione3About the user guides translatable on Weblate:
ErCiccione3all user guides have been gettextized and are ready to be added to weblate. 1 PR with two guides has already been merged, the others are mostly reviewed and waiting to be merged.
ErCiccione3All strings for all guides will need to be checked one by one and some translation flags and other weblate-specific instructions need to be added.
ErCiccione3I just finished the first "pilot" guide: cli_wallet_daemon_isolation_qubes_whonix
ErCiccione3as you can see we now have a new 'project' on weblate: "Getmonero:User Guides". All user guides will be listed under this project.
ErCiccione3now i'm going to post the news on -translations, asking people of the localization workgroup to test this system to make sure everything works fine. After a decent amount of testing i'll make the thing public and people will be finally able to translate the user guides on Weblate.
ErCiccione3This will finally allow us to only edit the english version of a user guide. The changes will then propagate to the other languages. This is something i've been wanting to fix for quite a long time.
ErCiccione3tracked with: monero-project/monero-site #1270
ErCiccione3dEBRUYNE: wirrickelliot did an extensive review that i already implemented. Let me know if you have more suggestions.
ErCiccione3I opened the CCS proposal for the next 3 months. Note that it includes two weeks of holiday: repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/219
dEBRUYNEErCiccione3: Will have another look later, thanks for the ping
ErCiccione3No problema. Thank you
alreadyburntI think we should move Moneropedia's description out of the info-block
alreadyburntlike this ix.io/2V0V
alreadyburntfor 'design uniformity'