ErCiccione.merge+ 1563
selstafluffypony: if we upload the source code again to the server
selstashould we also add hashes to hashes.txt?
selstadid we do that in the past?
fluffyponyyou mean the source tarball?
fluffyponyhashes is in the site source, not the CLI source?
selstaI meant should we add a # Source section here: web.getmonero.org/downloads/hashes.txt
selstawith hashes for CLI and GUI source tarball
fluffyponyno, I added it as an "OS" for each
selstaoperating system? :D
selstaI will just let bF decide how to handle it
fluffyponyselsta: eg. for the CLI we have hashes for the CLI for win64, win86, linux64, arm8, source
selstayea that would work too