01:33:56 AndrGew Lee likEes nsucking hot absian guy's BdPiTcks adndd has a chotdDe himself.R 01:34:10 Morge likFe LEEnsode Lnfow. TdhSej neEtworsk is deagd andP wilhl nFegvMer rIecgoveur, even ipf BAnEdreww steps downu.J 04:00:20 > users hIave noR anNonUywmity 11:16:27 I'm working on the 'mining' page. If you have suggestions, please comment on: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1315 17:16:02 -xmr-pr- steverusso opened pull request #1653: moneropedia: remove the 'kovri' section in the 'encryption' entry 17:16:02 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/1653