rupee[m]txstreet: FYI, it looks like that monerovision.com site that txstreet links to is offline.
rehrarjohnfoss68[m]: no there isn't, but the instructions are very step by step and quite basic
rehrarbut if you want I can do it for you
rehrarjohnfoss68[m]: also shoot me a message please. Matrix is fine. @diego:cypherstack.com
ratthing69[m]Looks like Apple might be downloading cake wallet soon
mechanimist[m]it's good publicity and it's bad publicity
ratthing69[m]Well you have to dig to see the xmr. It says USD everywhere
selsta>Apple's business partners
selstaguess adding Apple to headline brings more clicks lol
mechanimist[m]hah right, I ctrl+F 'ed for xmr but it was buried in the screenshot
ratthing69[m]<selsta "guess adding Apple to headline b"> Clicks are so hot right now
mechanimist[m]is the plural of monero really moneroj with a hard j? that's super weird
Inge-It is esperanto
mechanimist[m]but esperanto plurals are not pronounced with a hard j
mechanimist[m]it's a y like in "yes"
mechanimist[m]moneroge sounds so weird
mechanimist[m]is less weird right?
gingeropolousi just moneros
gingeropolousor monero
gingeropolousthat'll be 400 millinero
gingeropolous400 mIllIOn mOnErO?
nioc3 Os
donkeydonkeyyeah moooneros is more pluralar
kinghat[m]dEBRUYNE: where is the meeting held?
mechanic41turk[mLebAnon: you mean this room is down?
LebAnon[m]no it worked, the link I found on getmonero didn'
LebAnon[m]* no it worked, the link I found on getmonero didn't for me weird