maybefbito reconstruct the challenge for verifying an MLSAG signature, i need all key images including the key image for the commitment-to-zero. so am i right in assuming the key image of commitment-to-zero is only ignored when linking two MLSAG signatures in monero?
sarangMLSAG doesn't use an image for the amount commitment component
maybefbiyou are right, i checked Z2M2 again and the key images only correspond to one time addresses and their private keys. are we using the private key for commitment-to-zero anywhere? how do we prove to the onlookers i know the difference of blinding factors between the commitment and the pseudo commitment?
maybefbinever mind i see it now
maybefbiK_(i,m) is the difference between commitments
maybefbiwhen m>1
maybefbibut wait we dont have to know the difference between blinding factors to sign?
sarangNote that CLSAG does include such an auxiliary key image, but it is not used for linking purposes
sarangYes you do need to know
maybefbiwhat for?
sarangWhat is your question referring to
maybefbiim trying to combine sections 3.5 and 6.2.2 in Z2M2
maybefbiim trying to make sense how we are proving to the world that i know the difference between the blinding factors
gingeropolouswhat ever happened to the university thing with monero research lab, sarang , suraeNoether ? Like one of you was working on an entity or something.
sarangmaybefbi: you're showing that you know the base-`G` logarithm of the difference between the amount commitment and a commitment offset to the same value
sarangand then you construct the blinding factors of the offsets and newly-generated amounts to sum to zero
sarangthis shows balance
sarangin a signer-ambiguous way
saranggingeropolous: suraeNoether and others are collaborating with Clemson University to have a student work on a Monero-related project TBD
gingeropolousyeah but i thought u created a .... thing or something. it was like Magical something.
sarangsuraeNoether spearheaded a grant organization, MAGIC
sarangHe has since passed leadership on to others, but you'd have to ask him for details
gingeropolousbut thats cool too. i was just answering this : old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/j0…ow_could/?ref=share&ref_source=link
gingeropolousah yes, MAGIC, that was it
maybefbisarang: thanks. let me try writing some code, i will better understand what you said.