ErCiccioneAnyone who uses firefox: please let me know if you see the github logo under "source code" in the "Mobile & Light Wallets" section (getmonero.org/downloads). I'm trying to understand if it's a local problem or not.
ErCiccione(it shows with other browsers)
moneromoooI see it.
ErCiccioneJust figured out it's the adblocker. Looking into it
ErCiccioneso, if somebody uses ublock origin, please check if the logo is showing up, so i can see if the problem is my local setup
ErCiccioneso, the class icon-github got added to ublock origin's cosmetic filters. So who uses UO and activates those filters will not be able to click on any github icon/link.
ErCiccioneWe could easily go around this by changing class
ErCiccionethe thing is, should we? I think in theory we should respect the will of the user if they want the icon to be disabled, but in this case i think it's more like an unwanted side effect of the filter and could impact user's UX
ErCiccioneso, opinions are welcome
ErCiccionei would still like a confirmation that it happens to other users with UO + cosmetic filters activated first
moneromoooI'm divided. On the one hand it will annoy MS but on the other hand it unexplainably prevents people from getting the source to their software. False positive I guess. Or someone who really hates MS more than I do :P
moneromoooIt'll probably fix itself as they get reports.
moneromooo(I'm assuming github hasn't been spamming or the like)
ErCiccionei'm inclined to leave it as it is for now
ErCiccioneit's a subset of a subset of users (ublock origins users with cosmetic filters, which are not activated by default). Let's see if we get complaints
ErCiccionebinaryFate: could you add a permanent redirect for the .tar of the source code? So that we could link to it doing something similar to the other binaries (linux: downloads.getmonero.org/gui/linux64). Could be simply `downloads.getmonero.org/gui/source` and `downloads.getmonero.org/cli/linux64`.
ErCiccioneWe have the source archive in the `downloads.` box, but we don't give the possibility to download them.
binaryFateack, can do tomorrow
ErCiccioneperfect, thanks