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lza_menace> npm
lza_menaceim out
xair[m]<lza_menace "im out"> wise choice lol
sethsimmons<johnfoss68[m] "Cheers. I'll look into it. ๐๐ค"> I've gone with Hugo for my blog:
sethsimmonsI really love it so far.
jwintermsethsimmons, what is better about hugo than jekyll?
sethsimmonsGo-based, simpler themeing, but overall very similar
sethsimmonsI went with Hugo as other's had recommended it but both are great options!
rottenwheelGo-based is already enough reasoning to switch.
rottenwheelStatic language. ezpz.
rottenwheelI've only dabbled into ghost and no complaints.
rottenwheel* I've only dabbled with ghost and no complaints.
sethsimmonsGhost is solid but I wanted self-hosted.
sethsimmonsAnd Tor
sethsimmonsEasy to satisfy both with a static site generator.
jwintermhuh, I haven't played with Go at all
jwintermmaybe I will give it a shot
jwintermcurrently my amazing website is using jekyll jwinterm.com
rottenwheellol, nice website.