sethsimmonsIt all falls under the same seed you saved when you created the wallet, so it doesn't have to be combined etc.
sethsimmonsBut generally you don't need to use any new account, just use a new subaddress when receiving funds.
sethsimmonsRead that, and if you have more questions drop them in #monero:matrix.org please, this room isn't the appropriate place :)
xmr-pr7349 7416 7481 7661 7662 7684 7729 7730
sunknudsenHey guys, trying to connect to a self-hosted Monero node over Tor from macOS... using --socks5-proxy Tor is running in the background. Getting "error: resolve: Host not found (authoritative)". Would someone happen to know what I am doing wrong? .onion address and port 18081 are configured in settings.
selstasunknudsen: GUI?
selstasunknudsen: what happens when you try to connect to e.g. node.xmr.to:18081 with --socks-proxy ?
selstayou can also try other tor nodes from monero.fail
selstathat way you can figure out where the issue is
sunknudsenselsta Thanks for helping out... I am hoping to avoid connecting to other nodes...
selstaYou want to first find out on which side the issue is.
sunknudsenI totally agree... any of you running a Monero GUI connected to a self-hosted node over Tor using .onion address and port 18081? If so, which arguments are you supplying to monero-wallet-gui?
selstaYou can also try out `monero-wallet-cli` with `--proxy` switch.
selsta.merge+ 7683